Lack of Https support is making this site very difficult to use

Started by JohnB, May 14, 2024, 08:01 AM

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Les, I know you have been having problems with obtaining SSL certification or whatever you need but now Https support is turned off this forum is nearly unusable.  Did you approach your hosting service for help, it really cant be that difficult.  I am sure someone can help.  If it a renewal fee let me know and I will cover it.


QuoteIf it a renewal fee let me know and I will cover it.
Hi not sure how much they are but I am sure there are plenty who will chip in.


John Lawton

Oh dear, can't say we didn't sound a warning:

SSL certificates are easily administered in my website sites using CPanel.



Unless this  gets resolved this site will die.


I tried adding the SSL and it was rejected by cpanel. It asked so many questions about things I had no idea about. It eventually generated the SSL nonsense and I added it to the windows where it was asking for it, then said something or other about a special domain name or something, and I added protoncompiler, and it rejected it.

Where internet is concerned, I am totally illiterate, and it shows that I actually detest the internet through my lack of knowledge on it. I have rejected Wi-Fi and internet as much as I can because of the dreadful nature of it, and the nerdy nonsense of its bulk and inefficiency.

What I do not understand is, if HTTPS is so important, why are domains not automatically assigned as HTTPS when purchased and not default HTTP? It just does not make any sense!!

John Lawton

Thanks for trying Les. If I or anyone else with internet expertise can help you sort this out, I'm sure they will be happy to help.



I am trying to post some images and a pdf, but when i drag the images and pdf into the post, the server responds in red with a server code 0, is this due to the SSL issue or am i doing something wrong?

John Lawton


I have attached a screenshot of the page I get when I try to re-issue the SSL, but I do n ot understand a word of it! It seems to contradict itself so many times. A re-issue should just re-issue what was already working, and not need more info etc...

For example: "what is a CNAME"? I think that is what casued me the problems in teh first place because it was asking for a CNAME and I had absolutely ni idea what it was. AS you can see, I have the Domain payed for for 5 years, but this is just ridiculous every year. I had the same porblem last year, and I have absolutely no idea how I sorted it. Maybe gevv did for me.

SSL page.jpg

John Lawton

Unfortunately I can't view the image :)

It should be possible to make the SSL certificates auto-renew.



I'm not sure, but I think I have done it.

It states that the SSL is successful and is "in progress". I checked on a CNAME based upon the "" and it states that one does not exist, so why did previous pages require one and not allow me to not add one, and then state that one had been added but was not correct? Inefficient Bloat upon inefficient bloat upon inefficient bloat, as is the normal


Hello Les,

it seems the issue is not resolved, I still get the message "Your connection isn't private".

Ignoring it I can continue and use the site as usual.


A quick Google search for CNAME tells me this....

The Common Name (AKA CN) represents the server name protected by the SSL certificate. The certificate is valid only if the request hostname matches the certificate common name.

 don't know if that helps.

John Lawton

Trastikata, no you can't use the site as usual, lots of things are broken, such as user profile, messaging, message preview, even quoting previous posts in your reply doesn't work.



According to the domain, the SSL is activating. See the screenshot of the page:

If not, I am lost and out of my depth.

SSL screenshot.jpg

It still does not make any sense whatsoever to me why it is not set as default, if it so important and gets blocked by browsers??


Quote from: John Lawton on May 14, 2024, 04:21 PMTrastikata, no you can't use the site as usual, lots of things are broken, such as user profile, messaging, message preview, even quoting previous posts in your reply doesn't work.


After accepting the risk and continuing to the site, everything works as usual for me. Evn quoting and PM, profiles etc.

P.s. I use Firefox.

John Lawton

Aah, YMMV it seems, I'm using Windows & Edge browser.

I get the least functionality with the above. Better results with OSX and Chrome and even better with Firefox on Linux.

Does this mean the Micro$oft browser is the most security conscious??



Reading further about the CNAME it states the full name should be used. At the moment it comes up as when I view the page so I guess that means that the CNAME should be prefixed with www.

John Lawton

I agree. I followed the instructions at this site:

I checked with my site and found under Zone Records:

Name                                 TTL        Type          Record
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------    14400      CNAME


I turned security off in Chrome but still I have to jump through the security hoops.