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Hey All

Started by Pic-ignorant, Feb 25, 2021, 08:53 PM

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Hi all! I hope everybody is keeping well

I went to the original PDS forum a few weeks ago and it was gone! You all tried to sneak off somewhere else without me knowing! :'(

I noticed the compiler is available on eBay, is this a dongle free version?


John Drew

Welcome back John, yes the version is without the dongle. You get a personalised copy from Les.


Hi John, I would like to buy the compiler without the dongle but I don't know how to do it. Do I have to request it directly from Les or can it be purchased on ebay? Unfortunately I can't find it on ebay. Can you help me?

Thank in advance.



Thank you very much Les

Have a nice day.



I've just ordered a copy. A dongle free version is worth every penny!


I'm busy creating your installer now John. I'm assuming it is you who has just purchased it, so many thanks.

My lovely wife's a Kentish girl, from Ramsgate. :-)


Got it ty Les & already installed it!

I know Ramsgate well.



When I first started driving down to Ramsgate in the early 2000s, to see my inlaws, it was a lovely little town. However, as has happened to too many towns in this country, it is now a derelict town and most of the shops in the, once busy, high streets are closed. :-( I could see it change year after year when I drove down there. They also used to have a lovely market in the town that sprawled around the shop fronts.

They built that stupidly large shopping centre too close to the town, so people go there now.

From Norfolk to Ramsgate, I used to have to go over the, dreadful, Dartford bridge to get there and the, dreadful, Dartford tunnel going back, and they used to frighten the life out of me because the other cars used to be driven like maniacs! It was like the old TV cartoon "Whacky Races". LOL. It was the only time I was actually afraid while driving. Too many nutters crossing lanes in front of me and screaming past me to get in the right lane because they were in the wrong lane to start with etc...


Hello, I had not looked at the website for a few weeks (was busy with something else) and to my shock, everything is gone and there was a complete article your cooperation etc....I got very worried and afraid.. via www.picbasic,com of Fritz I found this forum.. I was actually going to look if the older compilers where still available because I had some issues with different products.
First of all: is everything oke?
is there a new website (or is somebody buiding one)?
what about the continuation of the product?
are the older compilers still available?

If, as a kind of support, we need to purchase the newest version, I have no problem with that. evene a yearly fee is acceptable (if not too high :)). but what about the future.. that is my biggest concern...

I also wanted to use a couple of sample scripts from the website.. Are they all gone now?

John Drew

You're on the new website. The compilers are still being developed. Les is hard at it.
As far as I know the old versions are no longer available.
The latest version is no longer using the dongle as it is personalised by Les. See the download link above.
A lot of the material on the old site has been lost.


Hi john,

That's a pitty.. I always had my eye on some pieces of code which I wanted to include in different projects.. but never downloaded them because they were on the site...let's hope some comunity members still can help with them :).

for the older compilers,  I need to test the latest to see of all my programs compile correct. Had some trouble in the past. Anyway, I will buy the newest one (even only for the support of/for les). I would prefer everything compiling greatly with 1 version while I had to keep it on 2 different PC's.. :)