new compiler Positron8 will support new familie pıcs like 18F27Q43 ?

Started by okmn, Feb 26, 2021, 03:00 PM

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The new devices are being added to the next "upgrade", and I have a lot of them already incorporated into the compiler. However, with just moving home and working on projects to make a living, other things have take precedence.

I shall see what I can do in the next couple of weeks and create an upgrade for new devices, and give them more testing. The upgrade will have a small fee, because of the months of work involved in adding the new devices, with all of their differences, but it will be a small fee.

The new 18F06Qxx, 18F16Qxx devices are really interesting, and seem like really good devices.



Hi Les, Great news.. And I do not think anybody has a problem with the fee.. ;D  ;D

John Drew

Hi Les,
Make the fee a fair one for you. We need you to keep food in the cupboard and a roof over your head.
Cheers from Oz and a Happy New Year to all,

PS 27C today and 32C for NYD (just to make our northern hemisphere friends a teeny bit jealous :) )


Hi John

Hope the new year looks good...
Up north here, -12.8C Night before last, currently about 1C but moderating to about 11C with rain.  And the good news is: one doesn't need to shovel rain... ;)   

Regards Hal


Hi Les

Let me echo John's suggestion: Make the fee a fair one for YOU. I've looked and there are some 18F16Qxx devices that are actually in stock.  If you come up with a small fee, please double it or triple (treble) it. Not trying to be a large pain but it's just an opinion not a rant.  :D  :D  :D     

Happy new year
Best regards



Les, I also agree with John's suggestion
Happy new year to you and all the Positron fans


Honestly, I am (for sure) not a rich guy , but this is a complete and great compiler you have, with a great support base... If this compiler would cost me yearly 100 euro's or so, it would be logical. I do not know the current amount of users, so i do not know if this amount is economically interesting, but this is just a number which popped in my head and I feel more than comfortable with.  Future continuation and support is the most important thing for me and i assume a lot of others. for that, we need a happy Les with available time for now and in the future..!!

With all the stuff that happened recently and I also briefly thought that the compiler did not exist anymore, I got into a huge panic.. That showed me big time that it is something to treasure and support....

Let that be our  (or at least mine) NewYear wish..

A great new year to you all!!

John Lawton

Happy New Year everyone.

A New Year resolution for you Les:

"I deserve and will make just reward for my compiler work".



I too think the fee should reflect the amount of work you have put in.  An annual fee between £50 and £100 would seem to me totally reasonable.



A small fee please. I only use Positron as a hobby...

Happy New Year to All.

John Lawton

I understand your point, but the compilers are professional products that could/should demand a commercial price.


like the free version for a limited amount of Pics... A hobbyist can do a lot with a 18F46k22 or something.......

For who wants more pics, the suggested fees are reasonable I think...
Those people are also best served with:
- Good forum support
- future continuation
- great sample scripts

Even the above (for example, sample scripts) could be behind a pay-wall or something... The user pays....

win-win for everybody.....


I think that the fee should be reasonable so poor hobbyists and people in the third world can afford it. Those better off, like me, can pay more. I was a hobbyist when I bought Let Basic and still am.


Quote from: Gods on Dec 31, 2022, 12:44 PMA small fee please. I only use Positron as a hobby...

For me it's a hobby too and I am earning my living in a different field, but I realize the effort and time Les put in this product. We should be fair:

 - Demo/hobby version is free
 - Full functionality is paid

And let's be honest probably none of us is a millionaire thus we are all bugged by "shortages" of funds thus it's a question of priorities:

- Pizza costs 20$
- Chinese take-out 30$
- Sports ticket 50$
- Cigarette pack 15$
- Taxi 60$

As I said if you make your living with Positron, it's a very simple math. If it's a hobby - then it's a question of priorities because you can't have enough for everything and the price can not and should not be tailored to the individual priorities of hobbyists.

Happy New Year to everyone!

John Lawton

Quote from: trastikata on Dec 31, 2022, 03:29 PM... the price can not and should not be tailored to the individual priorities of hobbyists.

Happy New Year to everyone!

Strongly agreed!

Happy New Year Trastikata, many thanks for your help on this forum.



YESSSSSSSSS Trastikata!!!!
Well said, totally agree

Happy New Year


A quick check of the ME Labs PBP upgrades finds small version updates at $50 USD to larger updates as much as $225 USD.

Also of interest is the full version IDE is $50 USD however there are no such plans for FineLineIDE (LOL).