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Positron Studio Update

Started by JohnB, Jul 29, 2021, 08:11 AM

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I have been using it a lot over the last weeks so looking forward to seeing the new version



hello juan B, I'm trying to Download the Positron Studio Beta version, but it shows an error the file is damaged you will have another link to download it and try it thank you very much for your kind help greetings


Oskar  I have send you a PM wit a link to my Dropbox. There you will find as individual items the contents of the Zip file downloaded from


All is working well

Is there a way to add the routine headers?



place your cursor where the header should start and click on the Add Routine Header tool button or right_click and choose Add Routine Header menu item. I noticed that the last line of the header does not start with a comment character. I'll correct that before the final release.

BTW, Thank you Tim for your donation for Positron Studio. Its really good to be appreciated.


Hi John

Nothing happens when I hit the button to insert the header



It works this end although there is an issue with it as the last line doesn't close the comment.
Go to Options,Headers and check that you have all the required items checked in the Procedure and Routine Header.

I have resolved comment issue now and have updated - Use the original link


Hi John

Ok I see in options where I can make the header. I did that but still no joy. I will keep trying.



I have all entries in proc and subs headers checked


It does look like when I make changes to the above its not updating so I will look into that.
This bit of code hasn't been touched for years so so I guess it always had problems.


I have updated the Beta version again.
This addresses anomalies with setting and saving Headers

Follow this link


Thanks John

Its going to make a massive difference to my commenting

Works a treat so far



Just a comment

It seems that while you can edit the suggested headers on applying the changes, they do not stick


I'm not sure what you mean, are you saying that when you have changed the entries in the Tools/Headers restarting the app the changes you made were not saved.  If that's the case you haven't got the latest which I uploaded earlier.

I assume you realised that if you have the cursor on the same line as a the Procedure Sub or label the Name of that function will be placed in the title line of the header.  I am also looking to extend it to include adding the input and output params for procedures.  Not so easy for Subs and Labels.


Here is an image of the issue

When I us a header I enter info in but the * moves with the data so I removed it in the header stuff in options

But despite it actually staying in the options when used the * are still there

Screenshot 2022-10-11 155635.png


I understand, it might be nicer to popup a dialog which you can fill fill out and I add the formatting when pasting it into the text.
I'll have a think about how to get round this. In the meantime I have extended it to support parameters.
see example below

' Title     :  HMI_SendNumber                                                                      *
' Input     :  Object As String*10, Value As Sword                                                 *
' Output    :  <OutputParams>                                                                      *
proc HMI_SendNumber(Object As String*10, Value As Sword)
  Nx = Object+".val="+Str$(SDec Value)+nxtend
  HRsout2 Nx


Hello Juan, greetings, I inform you that this window appears, after closing positron, as data the program had been running for more than 5, today I closed it and this window came out, for the moment it is one of the bugs that I have detected I will be working more on it program to inform you if there is any detail greetings and thanks for your help without


Thank you Oskar-svr, its difficult from the message provided to see what leaked memory.  I added a test on closing to report any memory leaks and in general the program is pretty good a cleaning up after itself.  If this happens again it would be helpful to know what you have been doing prior to closing. 


Final update of beta is now available from here
I have had very little feedback on issues apart from Tim and Oska so I will be leaving this issue up for a week or so and if no other issues are reported I will build a full install and publish.



I noticed a small issue with search. Maybe it is only happening on my PC. I will try on another PC and if it still occurs I will send you the files.




I cannot recreate the issue with search on another PC, so it must be something odd with my main PC.

However, I noticed an issue with Project.

I have 1 .bas file and 3 includes.

1. Click Start a new Project

2. I select on source I have

3. Change location where I want Project

4. Select .bas file

5. PS recognised the included files and added them to the project. I like this feature!

6. As you can see from the attached picture, I am using an 18F26K22, however, this was not recognised by PS, and in Project, MCU shows 10F200

This is not the first time I encountered the issue with Device not recognised, but it was something random.

As a workaround, I have to remove the Device line, and re-type it. That way PS will recognise the device.


