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Positron Studio New Release

Started by JohnB, Mar 27, 2021, 10:20 AM

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Positron Studio

This new release, in addition to the name change, has a lot of new features, see What's New for full details. To get the most benefit from this application it is recommended that a screen resolution of 120 dpi or over is used.

Here are some of the main feature additions:
  • Device Selector - quickly select the PIC from the editor
  • Highlighter can differentiate Constants and Aliases from other identifiers
  • New Project Search - lists search results on the Messages pane in a tree form from which you can navigate to the item.
  • Rotate a PDF file - You can now rotate a PDF page to accommodate landscape documents.
  • File Recovery - Files which have been edited but not saved are saved in a recovery file every N minutes.
    Should Positron Studio close unexpectedly when restarting you will be able to recover the file up to the point of the last save.

Download Positron Studio
This installer file has been checked for Virus' and Trojans


Hi John,
Just to let you know I have just downloaded it and tried it and it did not crash on closing where the previous one did so hopefully I can use it now.



Good to hear.  I have tested it on a win32 VM with Win7 OS.  I haven't been able to hands on test it on win XP but I am guessing there are not many users still on XP.


Hi John,
I can see if it runs on XP if you want although I do not use that now.
My Win7 version is 64 bit.

A couple of questions, I cannot find a few things I use a lot on the original IDE.
Fuse configurator. I have found the options in tools but not where to call it.
Serial communicator.
Is it possible to enlarge the main font, I find it a bit small. I have found the hint font size but not for the main window.

A couple of suggestions.
If I close both right hand windows (Project manager & clippings) it leaves a grey line which I find off putting, could this be made the same colour as the background.
I use a program called WinMerge, it is brilliant at highlighting differences between 2 files and I use it a lot to see where I have messed up. I wondered if it would be possible to add a section where you could point to EXE files and call them from within studio.



Fuse Configurator is found under the tab Fuses on the editor window.  If you open a document which includes a device the fuses tab will be present.  Click on the tab and it should be familiar.
I haven't added the serial communicator but you can add it from Tools menu Configure Tools.  You should read the help file its pretty comprehensive plus you can always hit F1 to get context sensitive help. 

Assuming you had the editor open that grey line you refer to is the editor's vertical scroll bar. Unless you intend  to write programs less than about 30 lines I think you will find it rather useful.

The WinMerge program can be added to the tools menu in the same way as the communicator.


Thanks, I did not see the fuses as I was looking at the samples files where the device is in an INC file.

This is the line I am referring to.

Is there an option to resize the text?



Hi Bob
You can remove it here;
Tools / Options / General

Uncheck Show Right Margin at

QuoteIs there an option to resize the text?

Tools / Options / Highlighter

"Size" (Font)


You can resize the text from Tools Options Highlighter.

You should explorer the Options dialog, there is not much of the UI you can't change.


Thanks, sorted.
I looked in the highlighter section before but obviously not hard enough.
Line removed and looks better now.



A minor detail, the links were given to the old forum.


Thanks, I have just uploaded a new version which should not access violate.
I'll update the links in a later issue.

To All please download the updated version


Quote from: JohnB on Mar 27, 2021, 06:25 PMThanks, I have just uploaded a new version which should not access violate.
I'll update the links in a later issue.

To All please download the updated version
I installed it, the related problem has been resolved (access violate).
Win7 x64


Hello John,
the If-EndIf statements are not line-linked, is this normal?

Also there is some kind of bug with the vertical scroll-bar when you go to the "Hex File" pane - it doesn't appear unless you resize it and/or click over the hex code.


Thanks a lot, Jhon,
at running the exe file windows 10 64bit restrict the way and there is an alarm that you must ignore it to continue.
the test under the buttons are very small


do_loop and while_wend have link together but no link between if_end


Please download the updated version from the original link.

The Text size for hints can be adjusted in Tools, Options, General tab


There are too many ways If..then can be represented so I decided to exclude it.


Quote from: JohnB on Mar 27, 2021, 06:25 PMThanks, I have just uploaded a new version which should not access violate.
I'll update the links in a later issue.

To All please download the updated version

this update remaining like before when press on the names on help window.


under compiling the simple code with 24hj128gp506a it gave me this error
( unable to create new assembler or hex file )


Is that the only message you got?  need more detail than that.  Does the program compile? Is your version of Proton supporting the device? Where did the message appear, in the bottom panel of Studio or was it a popup?  Did you get any other error message?

Regarding links in About - I said I would update at a later date.
It is not that easy getting the links not all contributors have appeared and many of them I communicate with via Email.

It will get sorted but its hardly a priority