Positron Compilers Upgrade now ready to purchase

Started by top204, Mar 06, 2024, 02:55 PM

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Hello All

The Positron Compilers Upgrade is now ready to purchase. It will make the compilers version and

For only £25.00 paid to paypal at:

Paypal Purchase Link

You will get an upgrade installer that will add new devices to your existing Positron Compilers installation:

PIC16F15213, PIC16F15214, PIC16F15223, PIC16F15224, PIC16F15243, PIC16F15244, PIC16F15245, PIC16F15256, PIC16F15274, PIC16F15275, PIC16F15276, PIC18F04Q40, PIC18F04Q41, PIC18F05Q40, PIC18F05Q41, PIC18F06Q40, PIC18F06Q41, PIC18F14Q40, PIC18F14Q41, PIC18F15Q40, PIC18F15Q41, PIC18F16Q40, PIC18F16Q41, PIC18F26Q83, PIC18F26Q84, PIC18F27Q83, PIC18F27Q84, PIC18F46Q83, PIC18F46Q84, PIC18F47Q83, PIC18F47Q84, PIC18F56Q83, PIC18F56Q84, PIC18F57Q83, PIC18F57Q84, PIC24FJ64GA406, PIC24FJ64GC006, PIC24FJ64GL306, PIC24FJ128DA106, PIC24FJ128DA206, PIC24FJ128GA406, PIC24FJ128GA606, PIC24FJ128GC006, PIC24FJ128GL306, PIC24FJ128GL406, PIC24FJ128GU406, PIC24FJ256DA106, PIC24FJ256DA206, PIC24FJ256GA406, PIC24FJ256GA606, PIC24FJ256GL406, PIC24FJ256GU406, PIC24FJ512GA606, PIC24FJ512GL406, PIC24FJ512GU406, PIC24FJ1024GA606.

Once a PayPal payment of £25.00 has been established, and, importantly, a message sent to tell me your email address, the upgrade installer link will be sent to you and can be downloaded.

Many thanks.

Best regards


sent you £25 FRIENDS & FAMILY (so you get the FULL amount)



Ha, a new opportunity to support you. Paid immediately. This is also an opportunity to look at those newer chips.
Thank you for all your efforts Les!!!




Hello Les,

Payment done. Sent you a PM with my e-mail.

Best Regards


Hi Les,
I have 3 paid copies of Positron. I'm happy to pay for 3 updates to help the cause, but do I need to do 3 separate payments or can I send one payment to cover all 3?



Hello John

Many thanks, however, the single upgrade file will upgrade all of your compilers.

Best regards


Payed you yesterday by Paypal Les  ;D
Thanks for the upgrade  :P
Ohm sweet Ohm | www.picbasic.nl


Quote from: top204 on Mar 07, 2024, 06:37 PMHello John

Many thanks, however, the single upgrade file will upgrade all of your compilers.

Best regards

Oh ok Ty Les. Payment sent



Hello Les, thank you, for all your work, I have a payment in the name of Oscar Eduardo Rodríguez Gómez for the new POSITON update, my email is system-vr@hotmai.com, I await your comment, greetings

John Drew

Hi Les,
Thanks for the upgrade. It's worth mentioning that the old Proton IDE does not correctly report the version number.
Positron Studio does and I suspect that IDEs developed by other members may too.
The Proton IDE reports on my machine


You are a STAR Les!  Thanks for all your hard work, we all appreciate it.



Many thanks to all.

If there is a delay in receiving the email from an upgrade purchase, it is because I do not have an email address to send too!

I have several emails from Paypal concerning payments that do not contain an email address in the message. I have looked on my Paypal account and there are also, no email addresses within it that I can see.

I need email address' from the people and companies named in the post:

Emails needed for the Upgrades

John... You may be using the previous IDE for the compiler. Make sure you are using the IDE that is in "C:\Program Files (x86)\ProtonIDE\". On the desktop it is named "Positron Compilers".

Windows has a dreadful habit of using links that are no longer valid, and even though a file has been removed or moved, the link on the desktop still points to it and, maybe, it uses a type of virtual file. For what reason Windows has started doing this since Windows 8 is still a mystery to me, but some idiot at micro$oft probably thought it was a "good idea". :-)

For example, I renamed the original ProtonIDE folder in Program Files (x86), yet the link on the desktop still pointed to the renamed file, and not the new ProtonIDE folder I placed there?


Les, I have the same thing as John. In my C:\Program Files (x86)\ProtonIDE\  there is an old link to ProtonIDE.exe. There is no new Positron link on the desktop, only an old one.

But it works OK and the new version is used so it's a cosmetic "feature".

Best regards

John Drew

Thanks Les, I will check tomorrow.
I had used the shortcut on the task bar.
All the best


@top204 Should I have received a response email from you?

I have not received a confirmation email from you, not even in the spam box. I did add my email address to the PayPal payment in the payment message.


Giuseppe MPO

Good morning Les,
I would like to purchase not the upgrade but the complete Positron package, since I still have the old USB dongle that I would like to get rid of. Can I send you the payment via PayPal or do I have to use Ebay? (which I don't want to do). If you can pay with PayPal, let me know the amount so I can do it as soon as possible. Thank you


I've sent you a forum message Giuseppe.

I did send an email Dompie, but some networks block emails with URL links in them. I have sent you a forum message with the Upgrade link in it.

Many thanks All. :-)

John... Charlie... With the latest windows versions, I have found it better to uninstall before installing, and that is with most programs now, because windows does not remove some items and gives false links and all sorts. It is such a mess since Windows 7.

If you are having problems with the desktop links. Delete them from the desktop, and right click on the "ProtonIDE.exe" file in the ProtonIDE folder, and then "Send To", then "Desktop (Create Shortcut)". The compiler uses only the files within the ProtonIDE folder for itself, and only looks outside for the user programs and user includes that are no longer allowed to be in "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)" because of silly permissions etc...


Quote from: top204 on Mar 08, 2024, 12:47 PM...I have found it better to uninstall before installing, and that is with most programs now...

If you are having problems with the desktop links. Delete them from the desktop, and right click on the "ProtonIDE.exe" file in the ProtonIDE folder
Has the file "ProtonIDE.exe" itself changed any in the last few versions? Looking at the Properties in win7 mine shows "File version/product version"

Does uninstalling the program still delete all of the registry keys under HKCU\Software\MecaniqueUK ?
Last time I uninstalled PDS it nuked all my other programs from Mecanique, so I quit uninstalling it.