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Has anyone contacted Les recently?

Started by Yasin, Sep 15, 2022, 09:01 AM

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Les hasn't been online for about 9 days. I wish him to be healthy. I'm wondering, does anyone have any information?


yes, it caught my attention as well, I was wondering too, I was going to ask tomorrow in the forum(I made a comment to myself so that one more day would pass.)... I hope everything is fine.

Bob (G8GFA)

Likewise, I had noticed Les wasn't about recently. Really do hope all is well.


I contacted him and he is taking a little time off and sorting out a house move (I know how stressful that is!).  He says he will be back soon and passes his thanks to you all for your concerns


John Drew

Thanks for following up Jon, I think we were all worried. Glad he's fine.


Many thanks my friends. And Yasin... I cannot thank you enough. :-)

I have been having some medication problems in the past few weeks, and with the preparation for the house move (back home), it has taken its toll on my mental problems. I do not like to come onto the forum when I cannot think clearly or calmly, in case I get things wrong. So I avoid it until my rational thought is back with me. :-)


I'm sure we're all more than happy to bear with you. I suspect on a wobbly day you are sharper than most of us on our best.


I'm with towlerg 100%!
This forum has a great group of people but without the "Purveyor of Positron" it is just not quite the same....

John Drew

Take a couple of weeks off Les.
Spend some time with your better half, a few walks and smell the roses. The rest of us will do the helping until you're ready to return. We know you'll be back in due course.
Get well soon
John in Oz.


Friend LESS I send you a big hug, I wish you recover soon, those of us who are in this pay the price of fame, but when we return we bring more ideas and desire to continue understanding the things that we are passionate about, cheer up friend take this as a good one vacation and rest you deserve it greetings anything or any help please comment


Hello friend LESS, I hope you are in better health and inner peace, I made two purchases for financial support, thank you very much for all your work, it is excellent, for now I send you a big hug, friend, thank you again, greetings from Mexico


Dear Less, I liked the Compiler and bought it for financial support. Order number. 10-0***6-***96


Many thanks Dexta64. It is always good to know that there are still good, caring, people in this world. :-)

Also, many thanks Oscar and all the good people on this forum full of "friends". :-)


Hello Everyone !
Thought I'd drop in and say hello.
For our mental conditions the English have a cute way of putting it.
They say you are here but not al there.
Probably the condition must of us are in most of the time anyway.
Hope everyone does well.

Getting old is a stupid business, thanks to my son I have become grandpa twice as if once wasn't enough.
Worst is I have to sleep with a grandma every nigh.

I can also testify that age doesn't nessessary make one responsible (whatever that is).
I managed to climb 18 meters vertically up a palm tree to cut the top off as it made shadow on the solar water heater in the winter.
While I was up there I was wondering what the hell was I doing here...
The boys next door shouted up to me uncle Fanie what are you doing there ?
What to say ?  Had to answer something they would relate to so I said no, I'm just climbing the tree a bit.


Since you have arrived, please stay.
The forum needs a bit of rib tickling
We oldtimers need to drown our frustations in toothless laughter.


Ignorance comes with a cost


Hi Fanie, it's good to know that you are OK. Your comments remind me of the old Les Dawson joke:

"My wife has run off with the next door neighbour. I do miss him."



Thank you for the invitation to stay but I have a lot on my fork and one further wish is to escape from the city, which here is turning into concentration camps, to a farm.

One compliment for me was that my username and password remained, so I will be in and out.

Now since this forum is a place to ask difficult questions, here is one  ;D

Actually one for Les and his sanity.

Is it possible to modify the compiler for using any (foreign) processor -
You state the bits, ie 8 bit 14 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit
Then one self define each pin of the processor you want to use -
A/D, input, output, PWM or whatever that corresponds to the processor you aim to use.
Other internal requirements, memmory and so on.

The reason I ask this is we may experience long lead times (heard around a year) on some pics.
There are other processors available here, I can use them if I can adapt using the compiler.

Best and easiest compiler ever.
While everyone so far welcomed me back, don't be too surprised if Les ask me to leave again  :o



As I understand it, people were previously baboons.                               Oh no !                                                 What went wrong ?


Fanie  friend I don't know who you are, but you could be in the group supporting sharing good things, as well as contributing an economic donation, I don't understand why you have to show your problems with LESS, I understand your maturity, I hope I don't offend you just that we must maintain harmony in the group and if I made a mistake I apologize, since I don't know who you are