
PROTON pic BASIC Compilers for PIC, PIC24, dsPIC33

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Where to find the latest upgrade download?

Started by Frizie, May 26, 2022, 10:03 AM

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I have three questions about upgrade Positron:

Today I want to upgrade the laptop from my work from version V3.7.5.5 to the latest version.
1. Where can I find the latest upgrade (not update)?  ???

The upgrade from 10 May is not a link.
2. Isn't there a page with all upgrade / update versions as on the old Proton site?

The reason I was still working with version V3.7.5.5 is that I've completed a big project and didn't dare to change version in the meantime.
Now that the project was completed a few weeks ago, I can finally upgrade this laptop to the latest version.

3. Do I have to pay attention to something if I immediately go from V3.7.5.5 (already the dongle free version) to the latest version?

Thanks in advance for your replies.  :D
Ohm sweet Ohm |


Hello Frizie,

Upgrades are paid and distributed by Les with personal info embedded in them.


As I wrote above, I have already a payed, dongle free (= personalised) version.

I'm already a bit further now.
I had on my private laptop the Upgrade V4.0.0.0 which I have installed over the V3.7.5.5.
This already works perfect.

So question 3 is anwered: simply install it over the current (V3.7.5.5) compiler  ;D
Ohm sweet Ohm |


I successfully updated to the latest version, so I guess I put my questions a bit to quickly on the forum. ::)
Ohm sweet Ohm |


There are some subtle changes made to the version 4.x.x.x compilers but nothing that will prevent a program that worked with version 3.7.x.x compilers. Always famous last words. LOL

I have kept the compilers as backward compatible as I possibly can, but some changes on the inside of the compilers are inevitable and have to be done. For example, any older code libraries that are using the compiler's library subroutines, will need their names changed because I had to remove the "@" characters from the names quite a few years ago, because the newer assemblers did not like them in symbol texts. I also had to remove the SFR bit names from the assembler listing because users were re-writing them in their code, which made the assembler confused and sometimes gave, confusing, assembler errors and sometimes did not, but the code did not work because the incorrect values were passed to the mnemonic anyway by it!

The SFR bit names in the assembler code listing have a preceding "PP_" added to them, so they do not get, easily, re-written by a user. These are the ones that the compiler itself uses in its assembler creation.


@Frizie , Where did you find this Upgrade V4.0.0.0? Because I've exactly the same problem as you had. I also bought version V3.7.5.5 and would like to upgrade to the current version. But there's no way to achieve that. If I install the latest upgrade over my version V3.7.5.5., the IDE says that no compiler has been installed.

John Drew

Quote from: paulc on Jun 29, 2022, 07:55 AM@Frizie , Where did you find this Upgrade V4.0.0.0? Because I've exactly the same problem as you had. I also bought version V3.7.5.5 and would like to upgrade to the current version. But there's no way to achieve that. If I install the latest upgrade over my version V3.7.5.5., the IDE says that no compiler has been installed.
Because to use version onward you need to first buy an upgrade from Les.
This version does not use the dongle but is personalised to you.
The price is still very reasonable.
V3.7.5.5 is still a great compiler but by upgrading you support Les in his work.

John Lawton

Also, a clean install is recommended I think, rather than on top of an existing Proton installation.


Like Frizie, I already bought the personalised version without dongle from Les (back in march 2021). And I can indeed compile without the dongle with this version.
At that time is said in the email: "The installer will install the very latest full Proton8 and Proton24 compilers, and all future updates and upgrades will be suitable for them, and they will never require the USB dongle."
I tried also uninstalling every proton software, reinstalling my personal version. installing the latest "Positron Corrections Update" and after that the proton ide says in help --> about "PROTON COMPILER IS NOT INSTALLED"
What should I do?


Hi Paul,
I am assuming you had the upgrade to instead of a completely new copy. If that is the case you need to install first and then



Unfortunately I do not have the upgrade to, nor the completely new copy. Do you have a link for a download, so I can try to upgrade via

John Lawton


Hi Paul,
I do not think there will be a download for that version as that is the very first of Positron and each one is specific to you. Les would have sent a link in an email at the time of purchase for you to download your specific one so hopefully you have kept a copy safe, if you have lost it only Les will be able to send it again.



@John Lawton  Does you're suggestion mean that I've to buy Positron again to get the update?
@RGV250 I still have the link Les provided me, but that doesn't work anymore (file not found). Besides, I don't think Les provides a new full version for everyone for each new verion. I think it's more like you get a full licensed version once and from there, you can apply updates. But somehow there is maybe at version something special that makes it necessary to go to that version first? 
I had exactly the same consideration Frizie has:
Quote"The reason I was still working with version V3.7.5.5 is that I've completed a big project and didn't dare to change version in the meantime."
I've learned in the past that if your compilerversion works for you, it's very dangerous to upgrade in the middle of a project, because for sure bugs are fixed and new features are added, but unfortunately also new bugs may be added and that can be very unexpected and disastrous.

Samir sayyed

Hi top204 I am recently purchase for posistron but not installed I have proton with key software I am tottaly unstable proton and then installed posistron but software is open proton 


Hi Paul, IS unique to each user, if you look at the assembler it will show you as the licensed user so you cannot use anyone elses copy.
I think the email says to keep the file safe, as previously said, only Les will be able to help if you have lost it.



Hi Bob,

Like Frizie, I was one of the first to buy the new Positron and at that time it was V3.7.5.5. So my version V3.7.5.5 IS unique to me. I never posessed a full version Maybe @top204 could provide me with the update?


Hi Paul,
I am trying to follow this but may be getting confused.
Positron started with, I think you mean you have a personal (dongle free) copy of Proton as was the last version of that.
There were 2 versions of, one was the upgrade over whether it was with or without dongle and then the there was the full version which did not require



Hi Bob,
Yes, I do have a dongle free version of which I bought after the separation from
I didn't follow in time what versions followed after that. But according to what you're saying I would need the upgrade version of over But where can I download that version?

Stephen Moss

Quote from: paulc on Jun 30, 2022, 06:50 AM@John Lawton  Does you're suggestion mean that I've to buy Positron again to get the update?
It depends on what you want to achieve.
Les is the authority on this but my understanding is that the upgrade to dongle free Proton is not the same as the latest version of the compiler, i.e. although the name may have changed to Positron at that point it is essentially still Proton and so all the current updates are not compatible with it.
Therefore, if you want to use the latest version as John said I believe you will need to purchase a new installation from Les.

Quote from: Samir sayyed on Jun 30, 2022, 07:29 AMHi top204 I am recently purchase for posistron but not installed I have proton with key software I am totaly unstable proton and then installed posistron but software is open proton
1) Be aware that the Machanique IDE that comes packaged with Positron does not correctly display version number of Positron, I have version and the Mechanique IDE reports therefore if you are using that to identify your installed version you may be seeing incorrect version number.
I am not sure if the FineLine IDE correctly reports the version number but the Positron Studio IDE does, you can information about them on this forum.

2) If they also report the wrong version number then...
  a) Go to the control panel and uninstall all versions of Proton/Positron you find there.
  b) Reboot and Reinstall.
  c) If the same issue persists you will have to uninstall again.
  d) Reboot
  e) Enable hidden folders (do an internet search if you do not known how) then do a file search for Proton and Positron and delete all directories found
  f) Run regedit, search the registry for any Proton or Positron entries and delete them.
  g) Reboot, then reinstall