Proton code to Drive a 2x16 LCD with a single pin via a 74HC595 shift register

Started by top204, Feb 04, 2021, 09:58 PM

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I remember seeing this quite a few years ago on a different microcontroller type and thought it was a good idea, and a thread on this forum got my interest up again, so I have created a library routine that replaces the compiler's Print command with the mechanism to control a 2x16 Hitachi Alphanumeric LCD with a single pin via a 74HC595 shift register.

The code below is the library:
$ifndef _Shift_Print_inc_
$define _Shift_Print_inc_
'   /\\\\\\\\\
'  /\\\///////\\\
'  \/\\\     \/\\\                                                 /\\\          /\\\
'   \/\\\\\\\\\\\/        /\\\\\     /\\\\\\\\\\     /\\\\\\\\   /\\\\\\\\\\\  /\\\\\\\\\\\  /\\\\\\\\\
'    \/\\\//////\\\      /\\\///\\\  \/\\\//////    /\\\/////\\\ \////\\\////  \////\\\////  \////////\\\
'     \/\\\    \//\\\    /\\\  \//\\\ \/\\\\\\\\\\  /\\\\\\\\\\\     \/\\\         \/\\\        /\\\\\\\\\\
'      \/\\\     \//\\\  \//\\\  /\\\  \////////\\\ \//\\///////      \/\\\ /\\     \/\\\ /\\   /\\\/////\\\
'       \/\\\      \//\\\  \///\\\\\/    /\\\\\\\\\\  \//\\\\\\\\\\    \//\\\\\      \//\\\\\   \//\\\\\\\\/\\
'        \///        \///     \/////     \//////////    \//////////      \/////        \/////     \////////\//
'                                  Let's find out together what makes a PIC Tick!
' Control an Hitachi Alphanumeric LCD with a single I/O pin using a 74HC595 Shift Register chip.
' This include file replaces the compiler's Print command with the routine that will control the LCD via a single pin
' The circuit diagram can be found here:
' Written by Les Johnson for the Proton8 BASIC compiler.
    #disable Print                              ' Disable the compiler's Print library routine

$ifndef LCD_Pin                                 ' Has the LCD_Pin been defined in the main program?
    $define LCD_Pin PORTB.2                     ' No. So set a default pin
    $SendWarning "LCD_Pin is missing from the main program so using the default pin of PORTB.2"
' Create some compiler system and user variables for the replacement Print subroutine
    Dim BPF  As Byte System
    Dim PP3  As Byte System
    Dim PP3H As Byte System
    Dim PP4  As Byte System
    Dim PP4H As Byte System

    Dim _LCD_bChar          As PP3              ' Temporary byte for commands to send to the LCD
    Dim _LCD_bCharStore     As PP3H             ' Keeps the byte sent to the the Print routine safe so WREG can be restored before exiting
    Dim _LCD_tInitialised   As BPF.1            ' 1 if the LCD has been initialised
    Dim _LCD_tRS            As BPF.0            ' 0 if a command is to be sent to the LCD

    Dim _LCD_bTemp          As PP4              ' Temporary byte to hold the pin states for the LCD
    Dim _LCD_bShiftSteps    As PP4H             ' Holds the sequence of events required to send out a byte to the LCD
    Dim _LCD_bBitsOut       As Byte Access      ' Holds the value to shift to the LCD
    Dim _LCD_bStepsCounter  As Byte Access      ' Holds the counter for the events required to send out a byte to the LCD
    Dim _LCD_bBitShiftIndex As Byte Access      ' Holds the amount of bits to send in the loop

    Goto _Shift_Print_Main_                             ' Jump over the replacement Print subroutine

' Replacement library routine for the compiler's Print command
' The LCD connects to the PIC via a 74HC595 shift register
' And this routine interfaces to the 74HC595 via a single pin
' Input     : WREG holds the byte to send to the LCD
' Output    : WREG still holds the byte sent to the LCD
' Notes     : None
$if _CORE = 14                                          ' Is it a 14-bit core device?
    $ifdef _ecore                                       ' Is it an enhanced 14-bit core device?
        _LCD_bCharStore = WREG                          ' Transfer the byte to print from WREG to _LCD_bCharStore
        Wreg_Byte _LCD_bCharStore                       ' Transfer the byte to print from WREG to _LCD_bCharStore
$else                                                   ' Otherwise... WREG is an SFR that is accessable
    _LCD_bCharStore = WREG                              ' Transfer the byte to print from WREG to _LCD_bCharStore
    If _LCD_tInitialised = 0 Then Goto _LCD_Init        ' Make sure the LCD was initialised
    If _LCD_bCharStore = $FE Then                       ' Is the value to send $FE?
        _LCD_tRS = 0                                    ' Yes. So the next byte is a command so clear the RS flag bit
        Goto _Print_Exit                                ' Exit Print for now
    _LCD_bChar = _LCD_bCharStore                        ' Get the byte to send back

    Goto _Print_ShiftOutByte
    If _LCD_tRS = 0 Then                                ' Is it a Command byte?
        If _LCD_bChar = 1 Then                          ' Yes. So is the command Cls?
            DelayUS 30                                  ' Yes. So delay for Clear Screen
        Else If _LCD_bChar = 2 Then                     ' Is the command Home?
            DelayUS 30                                  ' Yes. So a longer delay is required for Home
        DelayUs 1                                       ' A standard delay for LCD commands
    _LCD_tRS = _LCD_tInitialised                        ' Set RS to Data next time
$if _CORE = 14                                          ' Is it a 14-bit core device?
    $ifdef _ecore                                       ' Is it an enhanced 14-bit core device?
        WREG = _LCD_bCharStore                          ' Recover the byte sent back into WREG
        Byte_Wreg _LCD_bCharStore                       ' Recover the byte sent back into WREG
$else                                                   ' Otherwise... WREG is an SFR that is accessable
    WREG = _LCD_bCharStore                              ' Recover the byte sent back into WREG
' Initialise the LCD
    Output LCD_Pin
    _LCD_bShiftSteps = 1
    _LCD_bChar = $33
    Gosub _LCD_SendCommand
    DelayUS 5000
    Gosub _LCD_SendCommand
    DelayUS 100
    Gosub _LCD_SendCommand
    DelayUS 100
    _LCD_bChar = $22                                    ' \ Start 4-bit mode
    Gosub _LCD_SendCommand                              ' /
    DelayUS 100

    _LCD_bShiftSteps = 3
    _LCD_bChar = $28                                    ' \
    Gosub _LCD_SendCommand                              ' / Set for 4-bit mode, 2 line, 5x7
    _LCD_bChar = $0C                                    ' \
    Gosub _LCD_SendCommand                              ' / Display On
    _LCD_bChar = $06                                    ' \
    Gosub _LCD_SendCommand                              ' / Entry Mode
    _LCD_tInitialised = 1                               ' Indicate that the LCD has been initialised
    Goto _Print_Continue1
' Send a byte to the LCD via the 74HC595
    For _LCD_bStepsCounter = 0 to _LCD_bShiftSteps      ' Create a loop for teh steps required for the byte to be sent
        Select _LCD_bStepsCounter
            Case 0                                      ' Is _LCD_bStepsCounter 0?
                _LCD_bTemp = _LCD_bChar & %11110000     ' Yes. So isolate the upper nibble
                _LCD_bTemp.2 = _LCD_tRS                 ' Set the RS Bit
                _LCD_bTemp.3 = 1                        ' Set the Enable Bit

            Case 1, 3                                   ' Is _LCD_bStepsCounter 1 or 3?
                _LCD_bTemp.3 = 0                        ' Yes. So clear the Enable Bit

            Case 2                                      ' Is _LCD_bStepsCounter 3?
                _LCD_bTemp = _LCD_bChar & %00001111     ' Yes. So isolate the lower nibble
                Swap _LCD_bTemp, _LCD_bTemp             ' Swap nibbles
                _LCD_bTemp.2 = _LCD_tRS                 ' Set the RS Bit
                _LCD_bTemp.3 = 1                        ' Set the Enable Bit
        _LCD_bBitsOut = _LCD_bTemp                      ' Transfer the byte into the shifter byte
        ' Shift the bits held in _LCD_bBitsOut to the 74HC595
        For _LCD_bBitShiftIndex = 6 to 0 Step -1        ' Create a loop for the 7-bits to shift
            Rol _LCD_bBitsOut                           ' Shift the bits left
            If STATUSbits_C = 1 Then                    ' Is the Carry Flag set?
                PinClear LCD_Pin
                DelayUS 1                               ' Delay 1 µs
                PinSet LCD_Pin
                DelayUS 15                              ' Delay 15 µs
                PinClear LCD_Pin
                DelayUS 15                              ' Delay 15 µs
                PinSet LCD_Pin
                DelayUS 30                              ' Delay 30 µs
        ' Alter the Latch pin
        PinClear LCD_Pin
        DelayUS 200                                     ' Delay 200 µs for Latch
        PinSet LCD_Pin
        DelayUS 300                                     ' Delay 300 µs
    Goto _Print_Continue2


$endif  ' _Shift_Print_inc_

And the code below is a demo program showing it working on an 8-pin PIC12F675 device:
' Demonstrate the single pin LCD control using a standard 14-bit core PIC12F675 device
' Setup for a 2x16 LCD
' The circuit diagram can be found here:
' Written by Les Johnson for the Proton8 BASIC compiler.
    Device = 12F675                     ' Tell the compiler what device is being compiled for
    Declare Xtal = 20                   ' Tell the compiler what speed the device will be operating at

$define LCD_Pin PORTB.2                 ' Set the pin to use for the communication with the 74HC595 shift register

    Include ""           ' Load the LCD Shift Print library routine into the program

    Dim MyByte As Byte = 0
    Dim MyFloat As Float = 3.14

' Create a loop and display the values on both lines of the LCD
    DelayMs 100                     ' Wait for the LCD to stabilise
    Cls                             ' Clear the LCD's display

        Print At 1, 1, "MyFloat = ", Dec1 MyFloat
        Print At 2, 1, "MyByte = ", Dec MyByte, "  "
        MyFloat = MyFloat + 0.1
        MyByte = MyByte + 1
        DelayMs 100

The circuit diagram is below set in a simulation of the code in Isis, and a zip file containing the Proton8 program firmware and circuit diagram:


As usual a great work Mr Les!!!

The only think I may disagree it's about the pin layout. Because I made a small interface which mimic the byte assignment for the Arduino PCF8574. Just to keep a similar condition which would work just by changing the interface. But this is probably a different case. The only part that I would like to add is the way to control the backlight LED.

For some extent it would be necessary to add declares  for the pin assignment.
Ignorance comes with a cost


QuoteI get compilation errors ?
Symbol not previously defined [print]

You need the latest compiler version. Quite a few versions ago, I had to rename the compiler's library subroutines so they were suitable for the new assembler program.

You can download it from here:


The best thing I know is that I know nothing