EA DOG Graphic Display 128x64_ST7565R Using SPI With Font Convertor

Started by Craig, Jun 16, 2021, 10:04 AM

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This Folder is made up of Jes Smith's Examples of using the EA Dog Display using the ST7567R Driver Chip using PIC 24 and SPI and then a File using the ST7565R Driver by Barak Dar and modified by Les using the Amacus 18 Board using SPI.

If Using Pic 24 First look at the Proton 24 - SPI For ST7565 Graphic LCD Display.docx Article then the ED DOG_GPS_SD Card.Bas File which works perfectly and is an updated version which explains everything perfectly.

There are Two Different Font Convertors and I have found the GLCD Font Creator Pro Which someone gave me a while back Works the Best for me.