The FREE version does not support PIC12F1552, PIC12LF1552 Shows up

Started by Guus Jansen, Apr 03, 2021, 08:41 AM

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Guus Jansen

The title says it all,  Microchip has only the PIC12LF1552 for sale.
Is it possible to use the PIC12LF1552 in the FREE version ?

John Drew

Greetings Guus,
It's supported by the full version. But you probably already know.
It really is worth spending on the paid version and then you don't need to miss out.
The free list is already very generous so it's unlikely to be expanded with the chip you want to buy.
Best wishes

Guus Jansen

Dear John,  as far as I know the 12F1552 is supported in the FREE version, that is the reason that I send the message.
What components are realy supported in the FREE version ?


From the site

The Trial compilers support a few popular devices and are absolutely free! to use and have no limitations. The full compilers support a whole bunch of PIC, PIC24, and dsPIC33 microcontrollers for a small fee to help its support and improvements. Also, remember, the Positron16 compiler comes with the Positron8 compiler, so it's a single installation for a huge catalogue of devices.

"FREE" 14-bit core Devices:
PIC16F84, PIC16F628, PIC16F628A, PIC16F877, PIC16F877A, PIC12F1552, PIC16F1614, and PIC16F1937

"FREE" 18F devices:
PIC18F13K50, PIC18F25K20, PIC18F25K22 PIC18F452, PIC18F45K20, and PIC18F46K20

"FREE" 16-bit devices:
PIC24EP128MC202, PIC24FJ64GA002, PIC24FJ64GA004, and dsPIC33FJ128GP802


I might be wrong but can you not just compile for the standard version as I think the only difference is the voltage for the "LF" device.


Guus Jansen

Dear Bob, that's right, as soon i remove the statement  "Device = 12F1552 "  then it will run with a 18F type , although I cannot reproduce this now.


If you do not declare a device it defaults to 18F25K20, probably because that was what the Amicus18 used.
The free one should compile for the 12F1552 though.



There is no 12F1552 device (only 12LF1552) so it doesn't matter free or not.
The only device files are for the LF version.

It looks like the free compiler only has "12F1552" in its list, so they don't match up.


The devices with LF in their names are identical to the devices without it, in operation. It is only their voltage tolerance that are different.

So use the device with or without the LF in its name as the Device type in the compiler.

At the moment, the "free" compilers will stay as they are, until I have some time to update them after the "upgrades" to the purchased compilers are finished. For the sake of £39.99 for "full" versions of two compilers that are constantly maintained, I do not have the time, or the money, for more freebies. LOL. In fact, I have been considering reducing the RAM usage and Flash memory usage available on the "free" trial compiler devices, so they are actually trial versions! Your thoughts on that please?

Gary Scott

Quote from: top204 on Apr 03, 2021, 12:18 PMI do not have the time, or the money, for more freebies. LOL. In fact, I have been considering reducing the RAM usage and Flash memory usage available on the "free" trial compiler devices, so they are actually trial versions! Your thoughts on that please?

I counted 18 free devices with no restrictions, that's a lot!!  Not much incentive for a great many folks to upgrade to support the compiler. So yes, restrictions on ram and flash would be fair for a "trial" version.

Microchip compilers are about 40 bucks a month or about 1800 bucks a year (USD) for unrestricted compilers.

As far as folks being able to afford your compilers the cost is not great, I'm poor and can't work and I can afford the low cost without missing a meal.So no reason people should not be able to support your hours and hours of work with low fee's.

Guus Jansen

As a test, Could one of you send me a basic file which toggles one output pin with use of the 12F1552 ? Please do this on the FREE version


You can't

QuoteSo use the device with or without the LF in its name as the Device type in the compiler
My point is there are no device files for a 12F1552, only 12LF1552.

The list of free devices in the compiler does not seem to include 12LF1552, only 12F1552, so you can't change the device and compile it.

Not saying you should add more free stuff... I think you're pretty generous as is.

Guus Jansen

Dear Tumbleweed,  what is the use of providing a 12F1552 in the FREE version if you can't run it ????? Regards Guus


I've just setup the trial versions of the compiler and I see what you mean about the lack of an F type, as opposed to the an LF type. How stupid is that of Microchip?

I'll get into the trial compiler as soon as time permits.


QuoteHow stupid is that of Microchip?
Par for the course these days, I'd say.

I never assume anything with these guys anymore...long given up on trying to make any sense out of things.


I do support the concept that freebie would allow hobbyist to come up with their project. In facts the list shows a set of obsolete chips.
Ignorance comes with a cost


@Les I would only release the 16F628A and the 18F25K20(Amicus) as free processors. Maybe with limited RAM and EPROM. You have to buy the compiler for all other processors. Seems like a very normal thing to me.



When I bought it I think there were only 3 devices for the trial and you could only do 50 lines of code. It was still enough to convince me to buy it and that was full (Crownhill) price then.
As Yohan says, limit the devices but I would think include a 16bit as well as that may be what they are looking for.
Also the 18F25K20 is quite a capable device so I would put some limit in whether it is in lines of code or RAM size.


Guus Jansen


As Bob says, when I evaluate PDS it was only for 3 devices for the trial and 50 lines of code.

I bought it and then it was about GBP150.00.

I would restrict trial version to old devices and limited in use. I posted several times about this issue that the trial version gives too much free devices without any restrictions.