Positron Corrections and Additions Update

Started by top204, Feb 11, 2025, 04:08 PM

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Below is a link for a "free" Positron8 and Positron16 compilers update that corrects some anomalies that have crept into them, and adds new features and devices to them.

Download Positron Corrections and Additions Update

Run the downloaded update executable, and it will update the Positron Compilers with the corrections and additions listed below.

I am not charging any money for this update with the additional devices, but a donation to Paypal would be most welcome for them. The Paypal name is: "storypainter@hotmail.com". Thank you.

Corrections and Additions made in version of Positron8 and version of Positron16

Positron8 Additions
Added support for devices: PIC16F18013, PIC16F18014, and PIC16F18015.

Positron8 Corrections
Corrected expression: Dword = Dword + 1 on an enhanced 14-bit core device when the assignment variable is not the same variable as the operand variable.

Corrected some iterations of the Dig command.

Corrected the Str$ command used as a parameter of a procedure that also uses a compiler temporary variable. The temporary variable is now saved on the software stack before the procedure is called.

Corrected the compiler recognising the RX1DTPPS SFR for some enhanced 14-bit core device USART1 PPS mechanisms.

Corrected the missing assembler parameters with Left Shifts of a Long variable with a smaller variable as the second operand. i.e. Long = Long << Byte etc...

Corrected the Left Shifts of a Long variable with a constant as the second operand. i.e. Long = Long << 2 etc...

Corrected ORing of a multi-byte variable with a smaller variable as the second operand. i.e. Long = Long | Byte etc...

Corrected Bit comparisons on the 18F devices that have Access RAM starting at address 0x0500, such as the 18FxxQ types.

Corrected missing compiler system variables within some comparisons.

Positron16 Additions
Added support for devices: PIC24FJ1024GB606 and PIC24FJ1024GB610 and dsPIC33EP128GM304, and dsPIC33EP512GM310.

Positron16 Corrections
Corrected the transfer of a 64-bit WREGn set with another 64-bit WREGn set.

This corrections update will not add the new devices to compilers before the 4.0.4.x "upgrades". It will give an error message if a new device is tried on an earlier Positron8 compiler version.
The addition and correction updates, and all future "upgrades", are for the Positron compilers only. The, now redundant, Proton compilers will not function if the updates are installed over them. To upgrade to the Positron compilers, please message me here on the forum, and I will give the details for the Payment of only £39.99 to Paypal.