Running Max Min Algo with 10 elements each fast and efficient

Started by TimB, Jun 10, 2024, 09:30 AM

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Hi Charlie

The sensors are bubble sensors around a tube. I'm using them to measure the volume of the bubbles and to act as probe replacements for a precision volume vessel.

 There are optical (Panasonic £90 each) and Ultrasonic detectors out there. I tried an Ultrasonic device (£100 each) and it seemed OK then purchased some £25 devices from China and worked with them to adjust the firmware but found they and the £100 device did not like the tube after a few days. I need very high reliability and longevity. Think 5 years.

Since I have used slot optos in the past for this I decided to go back to them. I found I had space in the holder for a cpu so decided to do the processing in a little 8pin pic on a tiny board that I can solder the Sensor too.

In previous versions you had to tell it to calibrate to the optical level eg tell it it was looking at water and it would try and track it from there.

This new version learns what water and bubble levels look like and then constantly re-calibrate as the conditions change.

When I get the PCB and build it I will post a few pictures.

The code is very much written for the job it has to do but I think may be interesting to others if they want an explanation of the way it works. It has for now only been tested in a SIM prog but it can SIM a load of wave forms and it has no issues with any of them.