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A forgotten past.

Started by top204, Apr 02, 2024, 07:55 PM

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Look what I found on the internet:

Experimenting with the PICBASIC Pro Compiler

You can tell that I was new to microcontrollers and writing a book when you read it, but it was 24 years ago. Some of it now makes me cringe because of its formatting, but I created all the images and circuits and text and code myself, in our spare bedroom. I could not add the code listings to the book's text because I was printing the book myself and could not get a large enough binding for it with all the code listings text as well, so I supplied a CDROM with the code on it.

I just wish I had written more books for myself, but I was too busy making money and a good reputation for another person and company, with the "There will be Jam Tomorrow" promises that never happened. What a bloody fool I was! :-(


I guess life is what it is, we cannot change the past only the future. If you could go back in time and do it all over again would your life be better now ?


I don't know this book of yours Les.
It looks very good, made by a professional, as you can see  ;D
You wouldn't say 24 years ago when I look through your book.
Very nice diagrams too, must have taken a lot of time  :o
Ohm sweet Ohm |


Les, my mind is playing tricks, did you write more than one book?

I still have one of your books somewhere in the garage but not sure if it's the same one


QuoteLes, my mind is playing tricks, did you write more than one book?
I thought the same but wondered if it was the same book with a different front cover?



Whoa.. blast from the past!!
This book is what got me into PIC programming some 20 years ago.

At the time I was contemplating to use either AVR, some PLCC or PIC.
The book convinced me to go in PIC direction and the rest is history.

Thanks again for the great compiler Les.


I found my copy.  I found it more capable than the others.


I also wrote a book named: "L.E.T Compiler Unleashed", for the truly dreadful L.E.T compiler.

I've always had a thing about primary colours and not pastels, and yellow is my favourite colour. :-)

I created the front cover of the book on my scanner at home, with a PCB underneath a piece of paper that I had torn a hole in. Then put it into photoshop and made it look better. I did the same with the PICBASIC PRO book, with my scanner and photoshop to scale the components and add colours and texts. It took quite a few months to write the PRO book and many, many sleepless nights because our street was quieter at night so I could concentrate more, but the PICBASIC PRO book was something I was very proud of at the time.


Unleashed is the one that I have and L.E.T may have been the first compiler that I used, though I also had the Basic Stamp modules around the same time.


QuoteI guess life is what it is, we cannot change the past only the future. If you could go back in time and do it all over again would your life be better now ?

Very, very much so.... I would not be such a trusting fool, or a person who has no regard for my own personal talents and intelligence and not let others walk all over me, because of my foolish trust.

I would also make sure Dad actually went to the doctors for a heart test back in 1983 and had a stent fitted, so I could have had him with me as I got further into adulthood, enjoying each others company, instead of him passing suddenly in the early hours of the morning of 14th december, when he was only 52.

Above all else.... If I could change one thing in my life, it would be having my dad with me longer, because he was also my best friend, and having him with me as I got further into adulthood would have changed my life anyway, because he would not have let me get ripped off throughout most of my working life, and he would have had words with me and put me right on things. :-)