
PROTON pic BASIC Compilers for PIC, PIC24, dsPIC33

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Programming with Proton and FT232RL FTDI adapter

Started by broderic, Mar 14, 2021, 08:15 AM

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Thank you all for the kind suggestions.
Dave, unfortunately I don't know " how to programme the FT232RL chip so it is recognized as an Amicus board" (practically by steps).


Thank you


Hi broderic

Well I have only done it once the other way round I set it back to it's defaults.
I was worried about doing it, but the software was easy to use, just back up to file before you go for it.
There are help files.
Just noticed the setup file is in the Templates folder


Hello DaveS.
1.Connected FTDI to USB port
2.Loaded in MProg Amicus18.ept(see enclosure)
3.Launched program
It says that it is programmed, but when I read the EEPROM, from inside MProg, the content is not equal to that I read when I read Amicus18 board.
The content is this one:

Read EEPROM successful Device 0
0000 : 00 40 03 04 01 60 00 00 A0 2D 08 00 00 00 98 0A   @. .. `. .. .. .. .. ..
0010 : A2 20 C2 12 23 10 05 00 0A 03 46 00 54 00 44 00   .. .. .. .. .. .F .T .D
0020 : 49 00 20 03 46 00 54 00 32 00 33 00 32 00 52 00   .I .. .F .T .2 .3 .2 .R
0030 : 20 00 55 00 53 00 42 00 20 00 55 00 41 00 52 00   .. .U .S .B .. .U .A .R
0040 : 54 00 12 03 41 00 35 00 30 00 32 00 38 00 35 00   .T .. .A .5 .0 .2 .8 .5
0050 : 42 00 49 00 3B D2 B0 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   .B .I .; P. .. .. .. ..
0060 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
0070 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8F 3E   .. .. .. .. .. .. .. >.
0080 : 1A 04 E5 FB 00 00 3B D2 B0 50 42 00 00 00 00 00   .. .. .. .; P. .B .. ..
0090 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 35 41 54 57 34 43 55 36   .. .. .. .. A5 WT C4 6U

Instead, I guess it should be:

Read EEPROM successful Device 0
0000 : 00 40 03 04 75 AC 00 00 A0 FA 08 00 00 00 98 14   @. .. .u .. .. .. .. ..
0010 : AC 2A D6 12 23 11 0F 00 14 03 43 00 72 00 6F 00   .. .. .. .. .. .C .r .o
0020 : 77 00 6E 00 68 00 69 00 6C 00 6C 00 2A 03 41 00   .w .n .h .i .l .l .. .A
0030 : 6D 00 69 00 63 00 75 00 73 00 31 00 38 00 20 00   .m .i .c .u .s .1 .8 ..
0040 : 53 00 65 00 72 00 69 00 61 00 6C 00 20 00 50 00   .S .e .r .i .a .l .. .P
0050 : 6F 00 72 00 74 00 12 03 41 00 6D 00 69 00 63 00   .o .r .t .. .A .m .i .c
0060 : 75 00 73 00 31 00 38 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00   .u .s .1 .8 .. .. .. ..
0070 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 59 5A   .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ZY
0080 : 21 04 DE FB 00 00 D2 56 34 10 42 00 00 00 00 00   .. .. .. V. .4 .B .. ..
0090 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 31 41 35 54 39 41 49 34   .. .. .. .. A1 T5 A9 4I

It seems it has not programmed according to template.

Thank you for any suggestion.

FTDI programmed.JPG


I programmed the FTDI device with a specific VID and PID and gave it an identifying name for the Amicus bootloader and serial terminal, so they automatically connected to the board. However, Micro$oft brought in that stupid signed driver machanism so they could rip people off even more, with an excuse, and make "more" money from people, and, later, changed the way the USB "friendly name" is accessed from the registry in Windows 10, so the Amicus18 board is no longer valid.


Thank you very much top204 for your kind answer.

But I still have windows XP and so it should still work, but I don't succeed in changing the VID and PID of my device FTDI 232RL, to make possible that it is recognized as Amicus18, even if it is not.
I don't understand how to assign the ftdibus.inf and ftdiport.inf of Amicus18 driver to the port where I have my FTDI 232RL connected.

I'm not sure I can do that with MPROG, since FTDI232R has internal EEprom, not external.



I wish I could still use Windows XP only. :-) It was an excellent OS, and I still say it was one of the most perfect operating systems created. But it stopped earning "enough" money for Micro$oft, so they brought out worse operating systems that got more and more worse as they progressed. LOL

Use the MPROG program and load the Amicus18.ept template, I created, into it. Located here:


Thank's Les.
This is what I did seit a couple of days, but with no result, as you see in my post #22.
As you can see there, the contents of EEprom after I programmed with this template (Amicus18) is different from what I read when I connect the Amicus board.
The Mprog says that it is programmed, but it seems not properly, and in particular not with the right PID and VID as specified in the Basic Details.

Thank you again.


I thought I would have a look as all of my Amicus18 boards only work with ICSP now. I am using Win7 so it should not be a driver issue.
Interesting that FProg (not MProg as in the thread) appears to only use XML and not EMT files.

Reading the device seems to be OK and it shows as Amicus18 in USBDeview so I must have an issue elsewhere.




I solved this way.
I found out that the eeprom of the red FTDI converter module you can see in my first message was probably not writable, or I was not able to change it, I don't know if it is possible (all last addresses are 0 and not F), so I couldn't change the eeprom configuration with Mprog or FT-prog.
I bought an original USB-TTL 3V3 cable, and eeprom here is perfectly writable (see enclosure).

So my procedure was:
1. Connect cable to USB port.
2. Update the driver of the port with the folder "Amicus18 USB Driver" found in Proton.
3. Open Mprog and load Amicus18.ept, as per Les suggestion.
4. Program the eeprom.
5. Reboot the PC.
6. Connect the output pins as shown in enclosed image, leaving VCC unplugged, since this cable is 3V3 only for signals, as far as I understood.
7. Program my 18F25k20 chip on PCB as it were an Amicus18 board, so using default Amicus18 loader and bootloader and Proton compiler, supplying 3V3 from outside (since I guess I couldn't connect +5V VCC pin).

Hope it can be of some help for others.
I was really dummy...
Thank you so much for your kind help.
