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App Inventor ?

Started by Craig, Dec 10, 2021, 11:39 AM

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Has Anyone used App Inventor Before?

I know it is just for Android but, would like to ask other members experience on it?



I found it OK but frustrating as it is web only and several times lost data where something went wrong. Also I had a book on it and then for some inexplicable reason they changed everything for App Inventor 2. I would like to give it another go but the web only thing is what is putting me off.



We are regularly using Appinventor 2 for Android development.
Really fantastic development by MIT and cut shorts endless hours of coding.
We have developed several useful APK's for real time data acquisition systems.
You only need a google account to start writing code
Lot of tutorial videos are available


Thanks Shantanu and Bob That sounds encouraging will give it a try.

John Drew

Hi Craig,
If you can program in Pascal the Community Edition of Delphi (free) enables compilation for Windows, Android and iOS.
I've tried it out for Android but only as a test. All done on your own machine, no internet needed.


Thanks John
I have downloaded Embarcadero will have a look at it.


Another low cost cross platform is Xojo.  Very quick to get up and running and is basic based which may help



Hi Jon,
If it is for Android XOJO is not low cost, I have just cancelled my auto update as you need the professional version which is around £600



Really?  Wow that's really hiked up in price, I am sure I paid less than £200 for the whole package a year or so ago..
Companies are taking the piss at the moment, getting on the Semi bandwagon where price increases are monthly... 



Hi Jon,
That is the "Desktop" version which is what i have and is $299 but they have offers, the "Pro" version is $699 and is what is needed for Android apps.

There is also B4A (Basic for Andriod) which is free, I was considering that but I don't think it supports the latest OS now it is free.



For a visual component cross platform language that is a "real" language, take a look at Lazarus:

I've used it a few times, and it works on all platforms and is true Pascal, but mimics Delphi perfectly with its visual components that are dropped on the form then code written around them, so it is the best of both worlds. Pascal is very much like BASIC when written without all the nonsense around it.


With regard to your previous comment Les, in this day and age many people, professional and hobbyists want a quick and easy solution that is not resource intensive.  I am a Microwave design Consultant and specialise in hardware design but I also need to interface with many IC's, test equipment and PC based apps.  I used to program in assembly many moons ago but this was so labour intensive I opted for a compiler as most do these days, and is Positron not a tool to enable people to create professional firmware in the shortest time possible?   Even if its not their profession the modern Engineer should always utilise the best tools that will result in the shortest development time, obviously taking time to ensure it meets specification and is reliable.


Hi Jonw seems like there are quite a lot of examples available on XOJO, which will be quite helpful.


Hi Craig

I use it for controlling some of the bespoke test kit and RF devices we build and use where we need to quickly change the configuration of the kit etc, I particularly like the drag and drop file function where you can transfer and parse register values from the chip manufacturers Gui exported in txt over to the part on the fly.  Its really quick to get going with and cross compiles to linux and windows etc.  I've not done any on Andriod or IOS but believe its pretty good.  The RPI is a bit clunky with the layout of the buttons etc but there are some ways to improve the layout that are posted on the forum.

If you need lower level control then the monkeybread addons do pretty much everything you need. It literally took a day or two to get a custom serial terminal running and it has never let me down to date.



Thanks John

That sounds perfect, I see there are Various options available that can be purchased right up to a professional version. I download a video last night
to have a look at and it looks good. I need to build a small App mainly on Android to send/receive push notifications and there were a few examples on the Forum.
I like the forum it seems very broad with lots of examples and activity.



#15 -- cross platform basic for android, ios and java. (b4a, b4i, b4j). The java and android versions free, nice lightweight installers (like Positron!) and very good. Well supported by Erel, the author too. Done dozens of apps with b4x... Great stuff - take a look!
There's a version for Arduino too, and the java version is great for use on raspberry pi dev.
Lots of useful tools too - like bridge, which hooks the compiler to the target for real time debugging. And a visual designer.
I tried Xojo, but the bloatware size of the installer is depressing.