
PROTON pic BASIC Compilers for PIC, PIC24, dsPIC33

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Proton Development Board MkII

Started by SeanG_65, Feb 21, 2025, 11:01 PM

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Does anyone have the Proteus file for this board please? If not, I'll just have to make one and upload it. I hate re-inventing the wheel all the time.


I designed the Proton board's PCB using the dreadful EdWinXP program, many, many year ago, because I was forced to use EdWinXP instead of the Eagle program I was used to using.

EdWinXP is a program I would never ever recommend because it is such a dreadful PCB CAD, and its routing mechanism is abismal.

I erased all the gerbers I had for it and the circuit etc...


Can't even get an Amicus18 board either now  :'(

I'm wondering if the Mikroe EasyPIC 7 with the appropriate PIC might work as substitute.

John Lawton

Quote from: SeanG_65 on Feb 24, 2025, 04:38 AMCan't even get an Amicus18 board either now

True, but you can get an Amicus 8 which is an updated version of the same.



John's Amicus8 and Amicus16 boards are excellent to use for both 8-bit and 16-bit devices.

The original Amicus18 board is "no more", and was, essentially, dropped before it took off because of very, very poor management. So the original Amicus18 and Amicus24 range of boards and shields had no chance of taking off.


Or... make your own? I used JLCPCB to make the pcbs having come up with my own breadboard design for a 18F26K22. Nextion display, two Mikroe click connectors, 5v-3v3 converter and a HC12 thrown in for good measure. Handy for me as I often use Nextion displays and HC12 for my projects. ;)



Nice card. Great job, congratulations CPR



Thanks all.

Given I can't even get a single transistor stage to work correctly at the moment, I think I'm going to consign this to the "Another failed project" bin.

I think it's time to retire and give up.

John Lawton

Quote from: SeanG_65 on Feb 27, 2025, 12:03 AMGiven I can't even get a single transistor stage to work correctly at the moment

Tell us more about your circuit, maybe we can help?



QuoteI think it's time to retire and give up.

Never ever think like that SeanG!

After my brain injury, my mind and body do not work as they used to do, and my personality has changed so much, from the care-free person who enjoyed life, and never got worried about most things. To a person wracked with anxiety and fear so much that it makes me dizzy, and so tired because my brain knows that sleep is the way to get out of the situation. My nightmare starts when I wake up in the morning, because I have constant strong rot and chemical smells and taste, but no 'actual' smell or taste (anosmia, and phantosmia instead). I was very close to just giving up, but my love of electronics and my compilers gave me hope and something to look forward too.

We all make mistakes, and I would be a fool to say otherwise. However, I have worked with, and for, people who, 'to them', never make mistakes and it is always someone else's fault! But you are a human, so mistakes are a normal part of life.

Just take your time with something, study it as much as you can, and work on it while learning from the mistakes made on it, which, to me, is the best way of learning. i.e. By actually "seeing" what went wrong, instead of someone telling you what went wrong, or reading about it.

I learned from mistakes when I was serving my time as a TV engineer, and learning electronics as a boy when things went "BANG" for some reason, all of those years ago. :-)

And above all.... Enjoy what you are doing. :-)


When I get stuck with a project, I simply start a new one and after a day, or week or month I get back to the previous one and it suddenly is so clear and if not - give it some more time and then back to it.

There are very little things that I deemed lost cause because of inability to understand it using this "secret" technique.  :)

John Lawton

Quote from: top204 on Feb 27, 2025, 11:20 AMI learned from mistakes when I was serving my time as a TV engineer, and learning electronics as a boy when things went "BANG" for some reason, all of those years ago. :-)

Me too, learning on valve equipment (live chassis anyone?). I'm sometimes surprised to realise that I'm still here... :)



A live chassis has gotten me quite a few times in the past as well John. All televisions were live chassis, and most other items that used a switched mode PSU were as well. So when working at peoples houses with dampness around, it hurts. :-)

I still remember using an oscilloscope that the 'dick head' in charge of the department had earthed within its plug, but did not tell us because he thought it "should be done", and that we had removed from the plug when we first got the scope!

Now imagine... Connecting the 'earthed' oscilloscope ground line to the live chassis of the TV? Again... "BANG", but, "according to him", it wasn't his fault? . He also wanted us to wear earthing wrist straps while repairing items with a live chassis, "in case we damaged components with static"!, but we all told him to P*#s Off! . Now that is the 'typical' manager of a department.

Imagine moving a live chassis around while you measure things in it, with your body earthed!

We later found out that the department did not have isolation transformers for the mains! So we were working with raw 240 volts directly from the mains supply!


Top204 I too am going through a bad time for various bad events that have happened to me in life. I know what anxiety and panic attacks and depression mean. However, working with your compiler I am having the strength to go on and keep myself busy thanks Top204 for your work


QuoteI know what anxiety and panic attacks and depression mean. However, working with your compiler I am having the strength to go on and keep myself busy thanks Top204 for your work

Kind words, and many thanks.

If my compiler can help someone cope with their health situations, then it brings me happiness that I was able to help.

Best regards


I made a basic training card, it works for a wide range of pics, and I can share the Gerber files  :)