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help with the Operation LED panel 16x32 scan 1/4 P10 - hub75

Started by jam19857, Nov 16, 2022, 09:42 PM

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I already tried with bits[RowGroup] = ~ ZeroBit but it doesn't work, it works with bits[RowGroup] = 1 - Zerobit; that strange because both make the complement


The ~ does not work in bit variable because there is an error in the compiler that would have to check Les.I already report anomaly


Example for Aquino969
added Context Save PRODL,PRODH ,FSR0L,FSR0H ,INDF0
Corrected library and fonts


Proteus demo with the Panel10 Fixed Library


Thanks a lot Pepe.
you are a good person...

To add more than one p10, I increase the number of modules from (Panel
I connected three modules.

also i don't want to use expensive processors for small programs.

for example how would a solution for 16f1827...


Unable to use the 16f1827 because it does not have enough ram


New P10 library for more than one module with simulation in proteus


Example for Aquino969 for 2 panels


Transitioning code between different IDEs can sometimes be a bit tricky, but it sounds like you're making progress. I know good sources for researche are a must but I don't have a good base so if there is anyone here that has a good platfroms where I could learn more about lights, please share them here!!


Transitioning code between different IDEs can definitely be a bit of a puzzle, but hey, sounds like you're figuring it out! As for learning more about lights, I totally get it - it's hard finding solid sources without feeling like you're being sold something. Personally, I've been using this website called for a while now. They've got loads of helpful articles and product recommendations, and what's cool is you can learn without feeling the pressure to buy anything right away.


Quote from: Pepe on Feb 09, 2023, 01:00 AMUnable to use the 16f1827 because it does not have enough ram
Take a look at the "K" series, like the 18F24K40.  Costs less, has more RAM, more flash, more pins, runs faster.