
PROTON pic BASIC Compilers for PIC, PIC24, dsPIC33

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HSerOut Compatability Question?

Started by Craig, Dec 09, 2021, 07:36 PM

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Hi just a Quick Question?
using Positron8 Ver on Pic 18F47K42 @ 64Mhz.

Just a Note my GSM Modem SARA-G350 UBlox Click works fine and can send and receive various Text Command but, I am still battling with Getting an Airtime Balance Request, I have tried various Sim Cards from Different Service Providers in South Africa obviously Changing the Command String to match the Service Provider but, they all return the same, +CME ERROR: operation not supported when an Airtime Request is done.

Is the "\" Back slash still supported in the HSerOut Command String ?
In the Older Proton Compiler it was but, does not seem to be compatible in Positron 8 now?

I have tried Replacing the \ with a 92 ASCii but, does not work.

If I use this command string it will give an error on Compilation!  " CUSD Not Found "
HSerOut ["at+cusd=1,\"*141#\",15",13]                'This Same Command Worked on the older Proton Compiler for years!


If I send the Following Command from the UBlox M-Center Terminal Test Program to the GSM Modem then it works perfectly and returns
the Airtime Prepaid Balance.

+CUSD: 1,"Airtime:R28.37

1. Buy
2. Self Service
3. MTN Menu
4. DoubleYourBundle
5. SkaWara
6. MyMTNOffers
7. MyEveryday
8. YelloBucks

0. More",0



If I Use Positron 8 and send the Following Command it Returns a +CME Error but, the command is correct and has been tested on the M Center Terminal Program?
HSerOut ["AT+CUSD=1","*141#",15,13]
This Compiles correctly and sends but, Always Gives a +CME ERROR: operation not supported.
It will NOT work if I leave the ,13 off at the end of the command string, then it does Not respond!

Any Help and Direction will be much appreciated



Craig, have you tried sending other commands with the hardware USART command, that's to say does the hardware bit rate work correctly?

Ignore that, I just took a look at the AT - command set, I think the problem is the missing quotation marks as part of the string to send, try this:

HSerOut ["AT+CUSD=1,",34,"*141#",34,",15",13]

P.s. Gamboa and I were writing at the same time :)


Last test!

Modem Debug string is: AT+CUSD=1,"*141#",15. test OK

Serial port microcontroler message should be : HSerOut "AT+CUSD=1",34,"*141#",34,"15",13
HSerOut "AT+CUSD=1",34,"*141#",34,15,13

Long live for you



,15 or "comma fifteen" is part of the string and since all AT commands are strings, it should be sent as such, as I see it:

HSerOut ["AT+CUSD=1,",34,"*141#",34,",15",13]



Thank you Gamboa and thanks very much Trastikata the command string works perfectly.
HSerOut ["AT+CUSD=1,",34,"*141#",34,",15",13]

I had tried so many variants of this string!

Thank you for all your help very much appreciated!