New install looking where to download the compiler

Started by TimB, Jun 10, 2024, 08:50 PM

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I dug out an old workstation HP Z420 to use in a new work room rather than my laptop.

I have access to the emails and hence updates to the compile but do not know where to find the original to update from

Is there a repository or perhaps I should make a new purchase from Ebay?




Didn't Les send you an email with your TimB installer file when you upgraded a year or two ago?

I keep a folder with the original JonW installer file I purchased and all of the updates in a separate archive folder, I also keep the most recent update in the main folder with my personal installer.

Sure Les will send you another link if you have last the email


Yes I have an email but it only updates the compiler. I will search my emails again though as I only looked at the one from earlier in this year.


Quote from: TimB on Jun 11, 2024, 05:38 AMYes I have an email but it only updates the compiler. I will search my emails again though as I only looked at the one from earlier in this year.
Email is no good as the link is only valid for a short while.
I had to search harddrives removed from old computers
Try the downloads folder and search for 'Positron Compilers Setup for'
your version may be earlier I purchased later
Positron Compilers Setup for [YOUR NAME] -

John Lawton

When I download a program or an update prior to installing it, I archive the files on my office server. This server has a snapshot backup system that ensures I have daily snapshots of my data to an external hard drive.

These backups store 30 daily snapshots of data, so I can go back in time up to a month and retrieve a copy of a file if I ever somehow get corruption or accidentally delete one. This has saved me quite a few times and I highly recommend it to everyone.

If you don't want to install an actual server, then get a NAS unit for the same purpose. Off site 'cloud' backup is also worth having to protect against loss of local data storage.


I dont't fully understand what you are asking Tim.

If it is one of the installers I sent you, just send me and email and I will find it in my backups and put it on the google drive for you to download.

The installer will never ask where to place the compilers, becuase they are at a fixed location on the C drive. However, with windows, and if the installer is using some windows DLLs, one can never tell anymore. :-)


The PC I'm going to start using is old I have not used it for coding in years before Positron

I have in my emails and on downloads on my lap tops loads of "updates" but no original installers to start afresh as I have no idea what state the old compiler is in or if it can be updated.



Then all you need is the original Les will send you and the latest one on this forum.


I store my personal installer on a CD-R disc inside a plastic DVD case (with a nice cover too  8) )

Stephen Moss

For the original install the file name on mine is
Quote from: TimB on Jun 11, 2024, 05:38 AMYes I have an email but it only updates the compiler. I will search my emails again though as I only looked at the one from earlier in this year.
You may have to look further back than that if you upgraded shortly after the change from Proton to Positron, to give you an idea of how far back my original Positron installer is named...
Positron Compilers Setup for [insert you name] - [Version number]
and the date modified is showing a 2021 so try going back to 2020/21 if you still have e-mails going back that far.


I'm still not sure what you are wanting Tim.

An old Proton or a replacement Positron installer?


My PC was last set up in 2017

I found the link for a purchase via ebay made a couple of years back but its dead.

I'm going to try just copying the folders over.

One thing to note is the PC while it is a workstation using a Xeon CPU I ran some tests on it and its SLOW so may just use my laptop to a monitor and keyboard.


Give me a hour or so and I will create a new Positron installer for you Tim, and email the link.

The files on the google drive only stay there for 7 days, then I remove them, otherwise, they would eventually be found by others on the internet and downloaded on-mass.

With operating systems, it is sometimes more that than just the speed of the microprocessor that is required. They are very greedy for RAM especially, and are constantly using the hard-drive, so if that is also slow, it will slow things down a lot.