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Communication with pic and pc via ethernet

Started by eozkantar, Sep 11, 2023, 08:19 PM

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Herkese Selam
Ethernet üzerinden pic ve pc ile iletişim kurabilir miyiz?
Örnek kod var mı?

hello everyone
Can we communicate with pic and pc via ethernet?
Is there any sample code?


Hi- and welcome to the forum!

Did you see this thread? Ethernet Controller


John Drew

I bought a WIZ110-SR from Sparkfun some years ago and used it successfully in a project to provide remote access to a beam rotation system.
It was easy to setup. The serial port of the WIZ110-SR went directly to a serial peripheral on a PIC and I wrote a program in Delphi Pascal to do the remote end of it. Delphi had a component designed for interface and Internet use. Relatively easy to do. I had a quick look on Sparkfun. I see they don't have the WIZ110-SR any more but have the W5500 board for about US$30 which has a SPI connections available. There are plenty of other options on the web including ESP8266 boards designed to work with Arduino which will work with PICs. The latter have wifi so may be even easier to setup.


John Lawton


Yes, I bought it from uart to ethernet modules, but I could not use it.
I'm looking for sample code...

evet uart to ethernet modüllerden aldım fakat kullanamadım
örnek kod arıyorum


Its the WCH bridge.  They are really cheap.