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BME280 Temp, Humidity & Pressure Sensor?

Started by Craig, Oct 19, 2022, 09:55 AM

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Hi all

Just a quick Question I need to do a Design using a Humidity and Temp sensor and something like the BME280 will work well.
My only concern is that it will be in a Dusty Environment and I am concerned about the Vent Hole getting Blocked over time,
Is this a major issue with this specific sensor or Not? I don't see much in the Data sheet About using it in dusty Environment?

I will appreciate any feedback and suggestions on this matter?
Kind Regards



I have used DHT22 in indoor condition, not the sensor you mention. They are not to be exposed to rain or dew.
You can use a Stevenson screen.


A few years ago I designed a 5G dual polarity circular patch antenna array that required pressure regulation to keep the Plastic housing from deforming under extreme solar loading and it had to maintain its  waterproof IP rating.  We embedded a pressure and humidity sensor to record data while field testing.  Gore make some really good membrane materials well suited for these applications
   GORE     Gore Auto
I mounted the sensor in a cavity away from any power planes to avoid any electrostatic issues and use the Gore membranes.  If your PCB is open you could look at mounting the sensor on the bottom side of the PCB in a secondary Shielded enclosure (Laird make good SMT tiny shields) fit the Gore patch to the lid where the holes are

There are also other fibre based block materials available that you could encase the sensor in


Thanks Shantanu That is a very interesting Idea and gives me some good ideas.
Thank you Jonw that is an amazing vent system and will work very well with encapsulating these sensors as they will be placed around,
I will contact them and see if I can order samples for prototyping.

Kind Regards