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Started by HAL, Nov 08, 2022, 04:53 AM

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I found out recently when I attempted to post a circuit diagram in jpg format to the forum that an image  hosting program was needed to accomplish this.

I have found a program called  POSTIMAGE   but before installing it I am hoping for additional info as to whether this program is safe and if there are better programs to accomplish the same thing.

Thanks for any comments. :)


You don't need external programs or hosting.


Attach an image file and click the "Insert" button!


I think he means the image url, not the image itself.


Quote from: HAL on Nov 08, 2022, 04:53 AMHELLO

I found out recently when I attempted to post a circuit diagram in jpg format to the forum that an image  hosting program was needed to accomplish this.

I have found a program called  POSTIMAGE   but before installing it I am hoping for additional info as to whether this program is safe and if there are better programs to accomplish the same thing.

Thanks for any comments. :)


The site I am using now is    (external image, file upload sites are temporary)  google drive or yandex disk is more secure (for now)

Use the forum's attachments system for important pictures (circuit diagram etc.) and files (code, pcb etc.)


I do not understand why you are making it look so complicated. All I ever do is click on "Preview" and then "Add files" and browse my PC for the file. Click on it and then "Upload" and "Insert".
This is just a random image I picked.
Vars not defined.jpg



Thanks for all of your replies.

YES, I do mean the image as in a (file.jpg).

This is the first forum that I have signed into.  Thus, the mechanics of adding files are new to me also.

Being new at this, please understand that I am NOT attempting any effort toward "making it look so complicated".  The ridicule / condescension is not necessary.  To the novice, the result of a web search generally is complicated.  It seems that my small laptop screen does not show the Attachments and other options Tab available unless one makes a deliberate effort to scroll down I guess I'm an idiot..    But here's hoping this post may be helpful to some other person new to this!  This is, after all, under BEGINNERS!


Apologies if that is how it looked, I was actually referring to the other posts showing how to use the URL method which to be honest, I would have no idea how to do. Quite a while ago I had to ask as well as I had never thought of looking at the preview.



To add to gevv's excellent post, you can modify the display size for large resolution files:

SIZE.jpg SIZE.jpg SIZE.jpg   


Gentlemen, thank you all of you posts!  All were very helpful and I do mean that sincerely.....

Hi Bob,  Please, no worries  at all...  Please respond to my posts anytime!  My old hide is pretty thick.  A very wise man once told me to include a smiley face when typing something that may be taken in an unexpected way.  I was mostly kidding you (also known as "pulling your leg") just a little bit.  The fact that you noticed, speaks to what a fine human being you are.  Your post got me thinking.  I have a laptop and when I set up to post a message the screen shows just the posting part and I never knew there was more information below what I saw.  Duh!  It's my inability to see the wood for the trees.

Hi Trastikata  Your expanding on gevv's  will be additionally helpful...  And based upon the number of views, there are many others interested in this topic.  I'll say it again:  You guys from the Great White North are Okay  (I'm from New Hampshire)..
Overall, I am hoping that this may be helpful to BEGINNERS.    There is a superb manual for The Positron Basic Compiler but for the forum it is learn by doing, and we need to be careful not to scare off any beginners....  and once again THANK YOU !!!