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VSCode Positron

Started by atomix, Nov 27, 2021, 09:05 PM

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Extension scan (only 1 level deep) all (except for some files) exe and cmd files in folder "c:\Program Files (x86)\ProtonIDE\Plugin\", and add found items to page "Positron programs".

The highlight editor allows you to change settings for three types of themes ("Dark", "Light", "HighContrast") and is on the page "top right menu icon -> Settings -> Highlighter".

If the user has changed the highlight, then the "Reset" button appears and more for this type of highlight does not apply the default settings until it reset them by clicking on the "Reset" button.

If you need to change the default settings for users, it can be done in the file "database.json", for example:

"default": {
"themes": {
"Number":            {  "foreground": "#FF0000"  },
"Number_Binary":     {  "foreground": "#FF0000"  },
"Number_Hex":        {  "foreground": "#FF0000"  }

"fontStyle" property may be -> "fontstyle": "bold italic underline"


New Release 1.2.5

- Added highlight for hover action.
- Various minor fixes


New Release 1.2.6

- Update database.json


New Release 1.4.0

- Added enable header
- Added saving active tab on the settings page
- Added file processing "Positron.js" in the current folder
- Added file processing "Programmer.cmd" in the current folder
- Added version display and editing in the file (*.mci)


atomix, thank you for the excellent IDE!

There's a small annoying bug that I'd wanted to ask you about ...

If I have two or more tabs open and I collapse some of the elements in the outline menu on the left side, then after switching between the different tabs, the collapsed elements automatically expand again. 

Is this something related to my PC?     


Hi atomix, just want to add my thanks for this, its very nice to use. :)


Quote from: trastikata on Feb 13, 2022, 07:43 PMIf I have two or more tabs open and I collapse some of the elements in the outline menu on the left side, then after switching between the different tabs, the collapsed elements automatically expand again.     

This is a problem in VSСode IDE, and in the future I hope they fix it.


New Release 1.4.1

- Improved display hover block
- Slightly corrected colors by default


Many thanks for your creativity Atomix.

I have found a querk in the IDE highlighter that only happens with .inc files. A $define's following text is not following the same rules as a .bas file. I have the $define texts set to bold black, and in the .bas file, they are bold black when created and used in a program. However, the same does not happen in a .inc file. I have attached a screenshot showing what I mean.

The same thing happens with "Proc", where the name of the procedure is not bold-black as it is in the .bas file that is including the .inc file.

They are also not syntax highlighed in a .bas file that has them in a .inc file as an "include".

Also, how can I remove the right hand strip showing the complete code? I find it very distracting because I scan code based upon its shape as well as its contents, so the multiple colours and shapes directly to the right of the code, breaks my scanning concentration. I've looked and looked and cannot find how to disable it.

Many thanks.

IDE querks.jpg


Disable strip ->

And about the highlight, can you send files (*.bas *.inc) me in PM


New Release 1.4.5

- Added help with Procedure and Define Signatures
- Slightly corrected colors by default
- Improved display hover block
- Various minor fixes


Thank for another update Atomix,

I do not know from where the vertical lines after the Ewrite came. See screenshot please.


change "editor.guides.indentation" in settings VSCode.

This is because you have a second comment has an indent and VSCode considers it a block of code.


Ok. But then the If...Then, While...Wend etc goes away. I can live with that so I will keep it on.




Les see the new version, it solved the problem with the highlight of the code "Define".

I created this extension for VSCode IDE to help develop your beautiful compilers further.
You are a very talented person and I'm glad if I could at least help you.


Many thanks atomix. Your words mean so much to me. :-)

Questions, again. :-)

How can I disable the condition and loop lines that are on the code. i.e. The lines between If-EndIf, Do-Loop etc...?

How can I disable the window that pops up when typing commands into the editor. i.e. When Dim is being written, a window will show up with its syntax?

As a seasoned programmer, things like this get in the way of typing, and the lines on the editor disturb the flow of code that I see.


Atomix, instead of a ' sign for the remarks, I use the ; sign.
Where can I change the ' sign for the ; sign?

Or maybe add the ; sign next to ', just like the original Proton IDE.
The original Proton IDE can work with ' as wel as with ;.

Else I have to change all ; in ' in my programs which I have made in the last 20 years :'(

Now I've open another program and I see that it works for both (' and ;) :)
Ohm sweet Ohm |


to Frizie:    Both characters work ( ' and ; ).

to Les:      If you are talking about the disabled of the items as on these pictures, then I will soon post a new version.


New Release 1.4.7

- Added some elements in the settings editor
- Improved device type detection
- Various minor fixes


msg on next page.