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Using low cost 4x4 keypad

Started by See_Mos, Jul 06, 2021, 03:48 PM

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The low cost keypad I bought was described as a membrane type however I suspect it uses carbon pads on the PCB and carbon on the button to make the closure resulting in high resistance contacts.  The INKEY command was intermittent or failed to work on some buttons.

This is the code I used to replace the INKEY command

' #############################################################################
'  using pullup resistors. COLUMNS ON LOW NIBBLE, ROWS ON HIGH NIBBLE
' #############################################################################
' default for my keypad
' #############################################################################
' 100K pullup resistors hold all port pins high.  Each column in turn is pulled low
' if a button is down then the associated row will also be pulled low
' the row inputs are then inverted to give a TRUE BIT.  Getbit converts the BIT to
' its decimal value
    TRISC = $F0
    LATC = $FF
    While 1 = 1
        Key = 16
        XX = %00000001                          ' Port bit to pull low
        LATC = $FF ^ XX                         ' XOR to invert
        For Column = 0 To 3
            If PORTC & $F0 <> $F0 Then          ' a button is down
                DelayMS 50                      ' debounce
                If PORTC & $F0 <> $F0 Then      ' check again
                    Temp = ~ PORTC              ' get PORTC and invert bits
                    Temp = Temp >> 4            ' because we want only the high nibble
                    For Index = 0 To 3
                        If GetBit Temp,Index = True Then Key = Index
                    Key = Key + Column * 4
            XX = XX << 1
            LATC = $FF ^ XX
        MyChar = LookUp Key, ["1", "4", "7", "*",_        ' Convert the keypad's keys to ASCII characters
                                "2", "5", "8", "0",_
                                "3", "6", "9", "#",_
                                "A", "B", "C", "D", 255]
        Print At 1,1,Dec Key," "
        Print At 2,1,MyChar                                         
        DelayMS 200

I couldn't think of a good alternative to the variable 'XX'


I've been using this for years too. PORTB is defined as Keypad Port. I activate Pullups resistors while reading Keypad. When the reading is finished, I use the same port as the GLCD dataport.
I think I adapted it from an example of Les.

INTCON2.7 = 0
    Nop : Nop : PORTB = 0 : TRISB = $F0 : Nop : Nop
    For Col = 0 To 3
        PORTB = 0 : TRISB = (Dcd Col) ^ $FF : Nop : Nop : Row = PORTB >> 4
        If Row <> $0F Then GoTo Gotkey
    KEY = (Col * 4) + (Ncd (Row ^ $0F))
    If Row = 15 Then
        KEY = 16
        KEY = KEY - 1



Just shows that there are many solutions to most coding problems.

With the existing wiring the key sequence is reversed but that is not a problem.