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PDS assembler plug in problem

Started by gpauk, Jun 19, 2021, 10:44 PM

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When I try and run the assembler plugin, I get this dialog as attached.

The path is shows is incorrect - mpasmwin is in C:\Program Files (x86)\ProtonIDE\PDS\Includes\MpasmWin.exe
Proton finds it just fine. Looks like the plugin is looking in the wrong place? I can't find a setting for this...

asm err.jpg

Proton IDE says V2.0.3.3


I get the same path, but I don't think the IDE uses it anymore. When I go to View->Options the MCAssembler.exe file is at C:\Program Files (x86)\ProtonIDE\Plugin\Assembler

Do you get the Assembler windows open?


You cannot re-assemble the code from the Asm view window.

I asked for that feature to be removed from the IDE, years ago, but it was not removed.

The assembler window is purely for viewing the asm code prduced by the compiler.


Oh, ok...
It used to work and was very useful - it was a nice front end for mpasmwin for many uses...

A shame it wasn't removed if it had to go, rather than just broken!

But now we know!


The, rather, obvious thing to do, to try and get it working again, is to copy the assembler executable into the folder it is looking at, then change the name of the assembler to suite what it is trying to open.

Re-assembing a program from the asm view has not been possible for about 10 or more years now!

I could never see the point in re-assembing the program from the assembler window, because all that was needed was a re-compile! And changing the assembler code should never be done with the assembler code still sitting in the folder where it was first created, otherwise, it will get over-written on the next compile. and confuse things because any changes were made after the compile.

To re-assemble a program, move the asm file to a seperate folder, open the MpasmWin.exe program (located in the compiler's Includes folder) and point it to the assembler .asm file. Make sure Case Sensitive is not checked and re-assemble the program into a HEX file. Simple!



I didn't use it to recompile asm from Proton - it was just a nice, neat tool for separate asm programs, or to test tweaks, once copied to the specific asm folder.
But easily replaced.
I've not used it for a while - clearly or I would have noticed! - and when it failed through an error I assumed it was a setting error, probably on my part!
If it had been simply removed as you'd wanted I would never have asked! :)