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Clarification required re Upgrades / Dongle free registration

Started by Stephen Moss, May 14, 2021, 11:30 AM

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Stephen Moss

Not sure which was the correct forum for this but I am a bit confused here (it doesn't take much) and would appreciate some clarity...
Quote from: top204 on May 10, 2021, 12:22 PMHello

The Positron compilers upgrade is ready to be downloaded.

The upgrade is full of new features and new devices and will increase the enjoyment of using them for development and fun.

The upgrade costs £25.00 (UK) and can be purchased via PayPal:

Purchase the Positron Compiler Upgrades

Important Notes.
The upgrade will be sent via a link to the email address registered with PayPal, but please send a message with your PayPal payment with your email address, because I am not seeing the email address in the purchase emails I get from PayPal. Please send an email to me at if the email address is not up to date in PayPal. If you are currently using the USB stick for registration, the upgrade will continue to use that.

If you have purchased the software registered compilers, it will continue to use the software registration.

This is an "upgrade" only to versions and of the Proton compilers, and is not a full compiler install, so please do not uninstall the current compiler version, also it will not upgrade earlier compiler versions correctly, so please download the latest compilers before applying the "upgrade".

Any purchaser of the software registered compilers from Ebay within the past 14-days, please contact me and you will receive the upgrade for free!!!

Here are the additions to Positron8 and Positron16. Please remember, the name Positron is a name change only, and the compilers are still the same, with the same quality and the same support:
Obviously since the separation from Crownhill changes have had to be made and it is understandable that the way those are implemented would change over time as initial quick fixes made in regard to the where, when and how are later refined and I think it is this that had confused me somewhat as initially things were evolving rapidly with the new forum and everything and so I was waiting until they stabilised and hopefully became clearer to me.
Consequently, I thought (apparently incorrectly) that the new "Upgrade" was going to include dongle free registration but still support dongle use for a limited time as a fall back position in case of any issues with the dongle free mode, which would be a sensible approach. However, from the above it appears that may not to be the case and that it will be using one method or the other as determined by the users existing registration method.

So the do I need to first purchase an update from and to version and for the upgrade to version or later to work or is version and freely downloadable from somewhere and I just missed it?

As I understand it the intention is that everyone who wants to continue to use the latest version will at some point have to go dongle free but for those who have not yet done so what is/will be the path to that? As I think this is where I am really getting confused.
Presumably it will be included for new compiler purchasers but for those still using dongles will it...
a) Always be a separate purchase providing the purchaser with the base and install (that needs to be safely backed up in case of re-installation) upon which they can then purchase and add the latest upgrade as and when they need or
b) At some point will it be packed into an update thereby in essence automatically instigating the change for all those yet to do so once dongle support is finally dropped

John Drew

If it helps Stephen my upgrade works with and without the dongle.


The upgrade will install over version and make it Positron8 and Positron16 with the extras, and still use the USB key as registration and/or the software registration, if it has been purchased.

Over the next year, or two, I intend to remove the USB key altogether as registration, but it will be a very gradual process and I will "never" just do it overnight. I am not that type of person, but I need to get rid of the USB key eventually, so users are not using old compiler versions, then installing a new upgrade over them, because that will cause problems, and it is "always" the compiler that is at fault and rarely the user. LOL


Hi Les,

i got a similair question. I bought a dongle-less ( i do have an dongle as wel ) license from you at 10 Jan 2021. Do i understand it correctly that i need to buy a upgrade for the next version ? If so, urrrggg it has only been 4 months ?


Quote from: Stephen Moss on May 14, 2021, 11:30 AMConsequently, I thought (apparently incorrectly) that the new "Upgrade" was going to include dongle free registration but still support dongle use for a limited time

Same here, that was my understanding.


It is necessary to look at the events more generally. Personally, the dongle doesn't make any sense. After all, the dongle is an electronic device. Imagine it disappeared or spoiled when you really need it. Literally disaster. I think it's very smart to get rid of the dongle just for these reasons. The conditions under which the upgrade to the old version owners should be done should be completely Les' decision and should be respected. Even software that is sold for thousands of dollars and has tens of thousands of users does not allow to upgrade forever. With the latest developments, my personal opinion; I consider it as the proton era is over, the positron era has begun.
Best regards.


QuoteConsequently, I thought (apparently incorrectly) that the new "Upgrade" was going to include dongle free registration but still support dongle use for a limited time

I know I am a decent person, but why would I offer an "upgrade" that also has software registration included, for less money than the actual new "full" compilers? The difference with the full compilers "is" the software registration and the future updates and upgrades. All updates that correct anomalies will be for the Positron compilers only, because the compiler now uses a very different core that I had to re-write for the extra features and devices I added, and the newer devices that Microchip are bringing out that are different to the current breed of devices.

The upgrade has taken a long time of designing, coding, and testing, to get the changes into place. It does not happen by magic, or overnight! I've had to work damn hard at it, on my own, regardless of how my health was. So I must try to re-coupe some of the work I have done, otherwise... Why did I bother doing it?

Everything has a cut off date, and 4 months is 4 months of dedicated work by me to get the "upgrade" in place, and the changes and additions to the manuals etc...


    For the price of a meal at a Restaurant, it is a good deal shows support and encouragement to Les to keep up his wonderful work.


Quote from: GaryC on May 15, 2021, 04:40 PMFor the price of a meal at a Restaurant, it is a good deal shows support and encouragement to Les to keep up his wonderful work.

Completely agree, three packs of cigarettes cost more than what Les is asking! The value of the product you get is worth many times the price asked by the developer. Add to that the excellent personal support you get here in the forums ...


The full version is only £15 more than the upgrade so although I have a couple of dongles I decided to buy the full version and get rid of the dongles. No more worrying if you have packed it when traveling (when that happens again).


Stephen Moss

So a user will be able to pick and choose which future upgrade(s) to get on an ad-hoc basis, as installing one upgrade is not predicated upon have a previous one installed with the exception that...

A user must, at some point, first purchase (and retain in case of re-installation) the new full software registered base installation from ebay (V3.5.7.7 & to be certain of future upgrade compatibility or be left behind when dongle supporting upgrades are phased out.

Do I now have that correct?