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PIC16F887 SFR View empty

Started by puffeltje, May 06, 2021, 03:38 PM

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when i select a SFR in the code explorer the SFR View remains empty.
I have a mind like a clock. And like a clock, it regularly goes cuckoo...!

Stephen Moss

The is most like due to there being no available data (BNF file) for that particular device.
It is possible another user has created one they would let you have, on the old forum there was an program created by a user that obtained the information form the device datasheet but I don't think the app or the users made over to here.

I am currently re-writing my own app that obtains the data from the Microchip files as I am now using different source files. Results are promising but I still need to cross reference result with the datasheets to check for any error on my part, errors in the BNF file resulting from error in the source files I cannot really do anything about as the compiler supports hundreds of device and I cannot be expect to check every one.

If you only have one or two registers, or register bits you are interested in you can enter the data into your code manually...
Symbol Bit_Name=Register_Name.Bit_Number   'Description goes here, i.e.
Symbol Go_Done=ADCON.0   'ADC Conversion Start/Stop


I use this method, no need to define a symbol and i find it a little more descriptive.

ADCONbits_GO = 1                           ;Start the ADC conversion