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Request to Les

Started by Amod, Feb 18, 2021, 08:35 PM

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I have a small business of manufacturing microcontroller based testing devices.Now days prices of Microchips microcontroller are too high. Everybody here in India started using Nuvoton, Megawin chips.
The prices are almost 50℅high ,suppose 16f886 microcontroller is $1.2 and nuvoton chip with 12 bit adc is $ 0.5 only. My problem is that i don't know C language, I only know Basic. So, I request you to develop a Basic compiler for Nuvoton chips.


They are based upon the 8051 microcontrollers that have been available for about 30 years now, so there are many compilers available for them. The AVR devices are based upon the 8051 architecture, and they were good devices for their time.

Unfortunately, without a fixed sales figure, or an up-front fee for developing such a complex and very time consuming project, it simply would not be worth the gamble, as I need to maintain food on our table now, not, "possibly", in a few months "if" things sell. :-(

But thank you for asking, as it shows a level of trust in the code I produce. :-)


Thanks Les. I hope everything thing goes fine. The best thing I want to tell you that my eight year old daughter made her first program for a blinking led in Proton basic. She likes it very much. Thanks les for such a wonderful compiler.

John Drew

What a wonderful story Amod.
Well done to your daughter.


FWIW there are several Basic compilers for 8051, eg. BASCOM