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proton compiler question

Started by Pepe, Apr 13, 2021, 02:21 PM

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when then device unexist why the error is as show in then test.jpgtest.jpg


proton does not has support "xxx2551" pic, becaouse there is no 2551 named pic in microchip!! if iremember correct


ya se que no existe ese pic pero no deberia decirlo en vez de dar otro error

Stephen Moss

You do not need to put Declare before XTAL, I have found that if you do it will generate and error but that is the only Declare you do not need to proceed with the "Declare" statement.


Stephen.... The compiler will not generate an error if a Declare precedes the Xtal text.

To keep some backward compatability, the compiler accepts the Xtal text with or without a preceding Declare, but it is recommended to use the preceeding Declare so the preprocessor can extract the Xtal value for its _xtal define.

Try it:

Declare Xtal = 20


Xtal = 20

For an unrecognised microcontroller after the Device directive, the compiler will produce the error message:

Unrecognised microcontroller type.
Cannot find its corresponding .PPI file.
Make sure it has one in the compiler's Includes\PPI folder.
If not, then it is not yet supported by the compiler.

To see the error messages outside of the IDE, or if using a different IDE, look in the ".pbe" file that the compiler creates in the folder where the BASIC program is. All OKs, Hints, Warning and Errors are held in this file.



What compiler version are you using?


the free version