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Output pin state equals Input pin state best way?

Started by trastikata, Apr 03, 2021, 08:39 AM

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I would like to ask what would be the best way to make an Output pin state equal to Input pin state. I noticed that direct approach doesn't work, like in the code and I do If-Then.

Device = 18F26J50

Declare Xtal = 8

Symbol PIN1 = PORTA.1
Input PIN1
Symbol LED1 = PORTA.2
Output LED1

    'This doesn't work
    While 1 = 1
        LED1 = PIN1
    'This works
    While 1 = 1
        If PIN1 = 1 Then High LED1
        If PIN1 = 0 Then Low LED1

John Drew

I could be wrong but I thought that what you want is in an upcoming upgrade for the compiler but not yet.


Device = 18F26J50

Declare Xtal = 8

Symbol PIN1 = PORTA.1
Input PIN1
Symbol LED1 = PORTA.2
Output LED1
Dim bfTemp as bit

    While 1 = 1
        bfTemp = PIN1
        LED1 = bfTemp


The code:

    While 1 = 1
        LED1 = PIN1

Does work with PIN1 and LED1 set as Port pins using Symbol.

The Asm generated by the above code is:
; While 1 = 1
;  LED1 = PIN1
    btfsc PORTA,1,0
    bsf PORTA,2,0
    btfss PORTA,1,0
    bcf PORTA,2,0
; Wend
    bra _lbl__2

And, as can be seen, PORTA.2 is set or cleared according to the state of PORTA.1.

Because the bits are parts of an SFR, there is an extra bit test mnemonic to make sure the assignment bit's state is always dictated by the source bit. i.e. A bit is never left set or clear until a condition is met.

Below is what the compiler actually sees when it is converting the code to assembler:
    While 1 = 1
        PORTA.2 = PORTA.1

It is possible, you may be seeing the Read Modify Write phenomena happening on the device because the code is so tight and fast, and it is using two pins of the same port. So make the LED1 pin LATA.2, instead of PORTA.2. The compiler commands that are dedicated to Port.Pin operations always, internally, use the LAT SFRS instead of the Port SFRs, if the device has them, in order to counter-act this phenomena with PIC microcontrollers. For Example PinSet, PinClear, Low, High etc....


Thank you all for the thorough explanation.