Is there a printed manual for Proton 8 at an affordable price? Thanks.

Started by AlmazBem, Jul 25, 2024, 08:25 PM

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Have we become too dependent on digital resources, and should we prioritize the creation of physical manuals for programming languages like Proton 8 to ensure accessibility and longevity in the ever-evolving tech field?


Quotein the ever-evolving tech field
I think you have answered that yourself. Les constantly updates the compiler so a printed manual would be a logistical nightmare. It is a PDF anyway so you can print it yourself.



Also, the price of a printed manual would actually be higher than the compilers themselves, not to mention postage costs, and rip off shipping taxes, and the rip off of publishing companies. Where on earth would I get thousands of pounds to pay the publishers to print the manuals, in the hope that some are bought?

Unfortunately, the days of printed books is fast becoming a thing of the past, unless an ego-centric, so-called celebrity with more money than sense gets a ghost writer, and the publishing company can milk the 'sheep' with advertising into buying it, or in the rare case, a publishing company pays for the book's development with pre-payments to a non-celebrity.

I never thought I would actually see books becoming a thing of the past in my lifetime, but it has, sadly, happened. And in the future, when all of this digital nonsense is over and world human civilisations collapse (which will happen), none of it will be viewable, unlike actual 'physical' books and documents that are thousands of years old and still understandable after study because it is actually there in a hand, or even cave paintings that are physical! We are now in a future 'dark ages', where none of the current history and technology is available for future generations to see, because it is all stored in nothingness! i.e. Digital clouds that will evaporate when civilisation collapses and all of this digital rubbish on lumps of silicon and plastic is, long ago, wiped because of time, is absolutely forgotten and no clues to what was!

Not to mention the complexity of what is encoded, invisibly, on lumps of plastic and silicon, and whatever nonsense they create in the near future for storage, that future generations will know nothing whatsoever about, even if they find them in collapsed and buried buildings thousands of years from now.

Wow.... That was a rant and a half. :-)

I have formatted the PDF documents for printing, where the left and right borders are set for a print in a binder.


I am the happy grandpa of twins