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Positron Studio - can't install programmer

Started by Peter Truman, Jul 08, 2023, 01:52 AM

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Peter Truman

Hi - I'm having a look at Positron Stdio (Version 2.0.3) - trying to configure a programmer (ME Labs USB U2)

To start - I open the tools menu, select 'configure programmers' and the dialog box open. Start with nothing in the 'available programmer's box. On the right hand side (pre configured programmers) I double click "microEngineering Labs USB etc' and navigate the 'locate programmers' pane to the appropriate location (C:/Program Files X86/ME Labs Programmer/ meProg.exe.

I open that file which populates the name box, clicked on default and set the parameters (/DPIC"$target-device$" $long-hex-filename$)

I click on apply (I've now got 3 copies in the 'available programmers' box) and ok

All good so far?

Problem is - I have nothing in the Programmers pulldown (active programmers) on the top task bar?

I have confirmed that I have the correct executable for the programmer and can't see anything else wrong.

Can anyone advise what I'm doing wrong

Many thanks in advance


I have briefly tried it on 2.0.3 (Build 12) and it worked OK.
I will look into it more closely tomorrow as I am away from my development PC today.

Peter Truman

Hey John - any update on this - I'd really like to try Positron Studio but the programmer issue prohibits it.

Many thanks


What build number do you have?
I have tried it here, it works but you have to close the application after installing the programmer.
After restarting you will see the programmer in the dropdown in the top right of the app.
I will look into why its not updating when programmers are added but you have a working solution.

Stephen Moss

I could not try it with the ME labs programmer as I do not have the software, but can confirm Johns findings as it appears to work OK with PickKit 2 & 3 on my copy (V2.0.3 built 12, 64 bit), in so far as after adding them both appear (once) in both the "Available Programmers" window of the configurator and the menu bar drop down.
Although it might be nice if the selected programmer was remembered the next time it loads rather than defaulting back to none.

Quote from: Peter Truman on Jul 08, 2023, 01:52 AMI click on apply (I've now got 3 copies in the 'available programmers' box) and ok
Do they all have different names? If not that might be causing a problem for some reason.
Did adding it once result in the three entries, or was that the result of three attempts at adding the programmer? If the former then there would appear to be some thing going wrong there.

Have you tried deleting all the entries, restarting the IDE and trying again? If so and there was no change then I would suggest you try uninstalling, rebooting, then reinstalling Positron Studio.
If your copy of V2.0.3.12 is just the .exe without the installer you will need to install from an earlier version (i.e. then copy the V2.0.3.12 .exe file into the installation folder overwrite the existing .exe file. Just make sure you installer and V2.0.3.12.exe are the same number of bits and not using a 32bit installer with a 64bit exe or vice versa.

Personally, if going down the re-installation route, I would also clear out the Positron Studio registry entries in between un-installing and rebooting. If it cleaned itself by removing entries for un-installed programs you would not have to, using the search facility within RegEdit should ensure you only delete entries for the program you are interested in and not something critical by mistake. 


Stephen, if you check Default Programmer on the selected programmer in the Configure Programmers dialog it always show that programmer selected.  I deliberately didn't let a new selection from the main screen change the default.


@Peter Truman
I have sent you a PM with a link to an updated version

Peter Truman

Well, now I feel like an idiot!. I tried closing and reopening the program and, there it was - magically appeared!

I don't know if it's just me, but I sometimes find myself down blind avenues like that and it takes forever to realise there may be a simple fix! I spend a good hour yesterday trying to debug a relatively simple program. I could not make any sense of what the code did not flow properly - turns out I was staring at the work 'goto' where it should have said 'gosub'! Such a silly and simple mistake eats into the day. Blindingly obvious!

Anyway - thanks for the help - and thanks for the updated version John - I have it installed now and will see how I progress.

Thanks again