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BMP180 Pressure, Temperature and Altitude Sensor.

Started by Bob (G8GFA), Feb 01, 2021, 11:37 AM

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Bob (G8GFA)

Example code for the BMP180 Pressure, temperature and altitude Sensor.

'*  Name    : BMP180.BAS                                        *
'*  Author  : Bob Marshall                                      *
'*  Date    : 5/28/2016                                         *
'*  Version : 1.0                                               *
'*  Notes   : This program uses a BMP180 pressure sensor        *
'*          : to measure current pressure, temperature &        *
'*          : altitude.                                         *

  Device = 18F25K22
  Xtal = 64

  Declare All_Digital = true

 'Calculated Baudrate = 115108 @ Xtal 64MHz, Error = -0.08%
  Declare Hserial_RCSTA  = 144 ; Enable continuous receive
  Declare Hserial_TXSTA  = 36  ; Enable transmit, BRGH = 1
  Declare Hserial_Clear  = On  ; Clear overflow automatically
  Declare Hserial_SPBRG  = 138 ; Baud Rate Generator Low Byte Value
  SPBRGH                 = 0   ; Baud Rate Generator High Byte Value
  BAUDCON.3              = 1   ; Enable the 16 bit Baud Rate Generator

  Symbol BMP180 = $EE  'BMP180 I2C address
  Symbol CalDatStAd = $AA 'Start address for cal. data.
  Symbol InitConvReg = $F4
  Symbol PReadReg = $34
  Symbol TReadReg = $2E 

  Dim AC1 As SWord
  Dim AC2 As SWord
  Dim AC3 As SWord
  Dim AC4 As Word
  Dim AC5 As Word
  Dim AC6 As Word

  Dim B1 As SWord
  Dim B2 As SWord
  Dim B3 As SDword
  Dim B4 As Dword
  Dim B5 As SDword
  Dim B6 As SDword
  Dim B7 As Dword

  Dim MB As SWord
  Dim MC As SWord
  Dim MD As SWord

  Dim OSS As Byte
  Dim UP As  Word
  Dim UT As SWord
  Dim XLSB As Byte
  Dim UPLong As SDword

  Dim X1 As SDword
  Dim X2 As SDword
  Dim X3 As SDword

  Dim Temperature As SWord
  Dim TempOut As Float

  Dim P As SDword
  Dim POut As Float

  Dim Altitude As Float
  Dim Temp1 As Float


  DelayMS 1000
  OSS = 3 'Oversampling mode. Values of 0-3 acceptable.
  HSerOut [10,13,"Ready to Start",13,10]

' Read calibration data
  HBusIn BMP180,CalDatStAd,[AC1,AC2,AC3,AC4,AC5,AC6,B1,B2,MB,MC,MD]


      HBusOut BMP180,InitConvReg,[TReadReg]  'Start temperature conversion.
      DelayMS 10   'wait for conversion to complete.
      HBusIn BMP180,$F6,[UT] 'UT has the uncompensated temperature value.

      X1 = ((UT-AC6)*AC5)/32768
      X2 = (MC * 2048)/(X1+MD)
      B5 = X1+X2
      Temperature = (B5+8)/16
      TempOut = Temperature/10
' $B0 is the hex value for the degree symbol.
      HSerOut ["Current temperature is: ",Dec1 TempOut,$B0,"C",13,10]

' Calculate the pressure in Pascals

      HBusOut BMP180,InitConvReg,[PReadReg]  'Start pressure conversion.
      DelayMS 100    'wait for conversion to complete.
      HBusIn BMP180,$F6,[UP,XLSB] 'UP+XLSB contain the uncompensated pressure value.

      UPLong =  ((UP * 256)+ XLSB) >> (8-OSS)
' Now lets have some fun with numbers!
      B6  = B5 - 4000
      X1  = (B2 * (B6 * B6 /4096))/2048
      X2  = (AC2 * B6)/2048
      X3  = X1+X2
      B3  = (((AC1 * 4 + X3) << OSS)+2)/4
      X1  = ( AC3 * B6 )/8192
      X2  = (B1 * (B6 * B6/4096))/65536
      X3  = ((X1 + X2 ) + 2)/4
      B4  = (AC4 * ( X3 + 32768))/32768
      B7  = (UPLong - B3) *(50000 >> OSS)
      If B7 <  $80000000 Then
          P=(B7 * 2)/B4
          P=(B7 / B4) * 2
      X1  = (P/256) * (P/256)
      X1  = (X1 * 3038)/65536
      X2  = (-7357 * P)
      X2 = X2/65536
      P   = P + ( ( X1 + X2 + 3791)/16 )
      POut = (P/100)

      HSerOut ["Current pressure: ",Dec2 POut,"hPa",13,10]

' Altitude = 44330*((1-(p/101325)) ^ (1/5.255))
' 101325 represents the 'standard' pressure at sea level. Adjust to suit.

      Temp1 = Pow((P/102400),0.190295)
      Altitude =  44330 *(1-Temp1)
      HSerOut ["Current altitude: ",Dec2 Altitude ,"m",13,10,13,10]
      DelayMS 2000


' End of program

' **** Added by Fuse Configurator ****
' Use the Fuse Configurator plug-in to change these settings

      FOSC = HSMP    ;HS oscillator (medium power 4-16 MHz)
      PLLCFG = On    ;Oscillator multiplied by 4
      PRICLKEN = On    ;Primary clock enabled
      FCMEN = OFF    ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
      IESO = OFF    ;Oscillator Switchover mode disabled
      PWRTEN = OFF    ;Power up timer disabled
      BOREN = SBORDIS    ;Brown-out Reset enabled in hardware only (SBOREN is disabled)
      BORV = 190    ;VBOR set to 1.90 V nominal
      WDTEN = Off    ;WDT is always enabled. SWDTEN bit has no effect
      WDTPS = 32768    ;1:32768
      CCP2MX = PORTC1    ;CCP2 input/output is multiplexed with RC1
      PBADEN = On    ;PORTB<5:0> pins are configured as analog input channels on Reset
      CCP3MX = PORTB5    ;P3A/CCP3 input/output is multiplexed with RB5
      HFOFST = On    ;HFINTOSC output and ready status are not delayed by the oscillator stable status
      T3CMX = PORTC0    ;T3CKI is on RC0
      P2BMX = PORTB5    ;P2B is on RB5
      MCLRE = EXTMCLR    ;MCLR pin enabled, RE3 input pin disabled
      STVREN = On    ;Stack full/underflow will cause Reset
      LVP = On    ;Single-Supply ICSP enabled if MCLRE is also 1
      XINST = OFF    ;Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
      Debug = OFF    ;Disabled
      Cp0 = OFF    ;Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) not code-protected
      CP1 = OFF    ;Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) not code-protected
      CP2 = OFF    ;Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) not code-protected
      CP3 = OFF    ;Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) not code-protected
      CPB = OFF    ;Boot block (000000-0007FFh) not code-protected
      CPD = OFF    ;Data EEPROM not code-protected
      WRT0 = OFF    ;Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) not write-protected
      WRT1 = OFF    ;Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) not write-protected
      WRT2 = OFF    ;Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) not write-protected
      WRT3 = OFF    ;Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) not write-protected
      WRTC = OFF    ;Configuration registers (300000-3000FFh) not write-protected
      WRTB = OFF    ;Boot Block (000000-0007FFh) not write-protected
      WRTD = OFF    ;Data EEPROM not write-protected
      EBTR0 = OFF    ;Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
      EBTR1 = OFF    ;Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
      EBTR2 = OFF    ;Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
      EBTR3 = OFF    ;Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
      EBTRB = OFF    ;Boot Block (000000-0007FFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks

;**** End of Fuse Configurator Settings ****


Hi Bob,
I used your baud rate settings to get an 18F26K22 to send serial at 115200 to control a cheap FY6900 function generator to do Raymond Rife type healing.
My scope has has successfully decoded the strings, which means I have won, thanks to a bit of your code.  I am sending the output of the function gen into a 20 watt
amplifier, & then into a coil which is enclosed in a former & cover with handle printed on a 3D printer. Hopefully it will slow a couple of ailments. It has improved
my tinnitus & a bit of skin cancer so far.
Retired RF Tech