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Good PDF reader

Started by Yves, Sep 26, 2022, 08:39 AM

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Hello all,
During the years I was trying various PDF readers like I'm sure you all do and need to read the Positron manual and those complex PIC's spec files. The most common one is the "Free" Adobe which is heavy takes long to load and keep asking you for license for things like rotating a page...
Looking for a simple completely free reader and come across one called "Javelin Reader" . It looks similar to the earlier Adobe with all the functions one really need. It loads like a flash and seem to be a nice light weight alternative.  Just a suggestion.

Regards to all



In the past week, an older; but trusted version of Acrobat Reader on my computer was updated. 

Unfortunately, this was of no interest to me as the more recent versions of Acrobat Reader are bloated.
To reinstall and older version of Acrobat Reader, check out this link:


I have been using Sumatra PDF reader for years, the freeware program is small and loads up fast as well.

John Drew

Although I agree with the need for a less bloated I do like later versions of Adobe Reader because I can insert comments and notes.
Do the other options enable notes and comments?


Javelin Reader has sticky-note, highlight text and some arrow. That about all

John Lawton

I agree that Adobe Reader is bloated. On Windows I use PDF-XChange Viewer (free) which offers the features I usually need. They also offer paid-for versions that have more features including editing.
