Simple Single Chip Frequency Counter from LES-Proteus simulation

Started by basiclover, Aug 07, 2022, 08:10 AM

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in the dezip There are 2 files not generated by the compiler


can I use one of those to perform the simulation? How to do?
or have  I to rebuilt the circuit from scratch?



files produced by the simulation or to use for simulating?


They load into Proteus 8.14 and are the simulation project.

Proteus changed from simple ".dsn" files to the ".pdsprj" files, a few years ago.

The ".workspace" file sets the simulated microcontroller to use the files it was last using. i.e. The Program's files in the frequency meter folder with it. It also seems to keep the IDE's setup as it was when it was last simulating.


thanks, now I now why my atempts with the demo VSM in positron didn't work
I never used Proteus up to now


The files are now different, and also, the last time I tried, the demo Proteus would not allow, non-demo, projects to be loaded into it, for some inexplicable reason. The demo proteus is actually rather pointless because nothing can be done, except look at demo files within it.

So the demo program itself cannot be reviewed properly, just looked at. It may as well have written on the top of the screen "Do Not Touch", as in museums. LOL


thaks, I now understand why it didn't work with the demo VSM included in POSITRON
didn't use PROTEUS up to now